The Ministry of Tribal Affairs NGO Portal (www.ngo.tribal.gov.in) is open for submission of applications for consideration of Grant in Aid for New Projects from Non-Governmental Organizations/ Voluntary Organizations for the year 2024-25 and the processing of the same by the District Authorities, State Authorities and the Ministry of Tribal Affairs under the scheme of “Grants-in-Aid to Voluntary Organizations working for the welfare of STs” will be opened with effect from 01.01.2025 and will be open for a period of 45 days i.e. up to 15.02.2025.
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Applications for consideration of Grants for the year 2024-2025 will be processed as per the revised guidelines notified vide letter of even number dated 27.01.2023.
Broad Sector-wise indicative categories of projects for which grant-in-aid will be considered are as follows:

In addition to the above, during natural calamity, disaster or pandemic, Ministry of Tribal Affairs may provide emergency health services including provision of food and water through NGOs in the affected area for which norms may be decided in consultation with IFD with approval of Minister, Ministry Tribal Affairs.
Priority will be given to programmes I projects that benefit Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs), LWE-affected districts, tribal populations in remote or difficult areas.

The applicant organization (NGO) should be registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860/State Society Registration/Public Trust or Institutions either under a statute or as a society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 or any other act.
The applicant organization must get registered with NGO-Darpan portal of NITI Aayog (www.ngodarpan.gov.in)
The organization should have experience of at least three years in running activities similar in the size and objectives of the project, for which the grants are sought.
The organization making application for seeking grants would itself implement the projects without passing the grants to any different entity for managing the project.
The organization will agree to complying with the terms and conditions and sign an MoU with Ministry as in Annexure 2.
The organization will open Aadhaar linked bank account in its name under joint operation of President and Secretary or their authorized signatories, in an authorized scheduled bank in respect of the grant in line with the instructions issued by the Government of India from time to time.
The organization should have PAN and TAN Number in its name and should have filed Income Tax Returns (ITR) for at least last three years.
The organization needs to be registered under section 12A of Income Tax Act.
The organization should not be facing bankruptcy nor facing enquiries or investigations for economic offences by CBI/ED/CBIC or any other Union/State Government agencies.
The organization should have sound financial capacity to partially co-finance the project, as grants from the Ministry would be restricted to supporting the core activities only that have been defined in Anexure-1.
The organization shall submit details of its trustees, promoters, beneficial owners and Management Committee along with PAN and Aadhaar number in the format given, before grant is considered.
The organization should not have been blacklisted by NITI Aayog/Union/State Ministries or Government organizations.
To download the detailed Guidelines for the scheme of “Grants-in-Aid to Voluntary Organizations working for the welfare of STs“ click the below link:
To download the Notice of Opening of NGO Portal click the below link: