Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation (TNSDC) invites Expression of Interest (EOI) for Empanelment of PIA for conducting Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
TNSDC invites the Expression of Interest (EOI) from various SSCs / Captive Employers / Leading Industry Players / Industry for empanelment as PIA to undertake projects under Recognition of Prior Learning in the state of Tamil Nadu. The PIAs are expected to apprise themselves with all aspects of the detailed guidelines of the scheme available in the TNSDC website.

TNSDC has a target of certifying 10000 candidates under RPL in Construction, Paints & Coatings, Plumbing, Hospitality & Tourism, Health Care, Logistics, Leather, Automotive and other demand based sectors. (Note: Subject to conditions laid down by MSDE, Government of India the empanelled PIA will be considered for RPL target allocation in PMKVY3.0 scheme based on the requirements).
The interested organization may submit their EOI in sealed envelopes as per the Technical proposal and methodology and organization details specified in Annexure-2.

To download the detailed Expression of Interest (EOI) click the below link: