Expression of interest on sealed covers are invited from eligible Training Agencies/Training Partners (TPs)/ Project Impementing Agencies (PIAs)/ Industries/ Educational and Professional Institutions/ Firms/ Trusts etc for Placement Linked Skill Development Training programme for the candidates of the Gajapati district.
The total training cost would be spent from SANKALP fund received for mainstreaming of aspirational districts through skill development programmes.
The objective of the EoI is to carry out a residential short term Placement Linked Training Programme on General duty assistant(GDA) having job role code/ QP Code: HSS/Q5101 and NSQF level-4 of common norms category-II for the youth of the Gajapati district.
The eligible training agency/ partner (TP) will thereby undertake skill development training programme and assist in providing employment opportunities to the candidates undergone skill training.
The eligible Training Agency/Partner (TP) shall be engaged by District Employment Exchange, Gajapati and a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will be signed to carry out mobilization, counselling, screening, training, placement and tracking, of unemployed candidates from the district.
The training shall be imparted in General duty assistant (GDA) (QP Code: HSS/Q5101) job role course as provided by Healthcare Sector Skills Council (HSSC) under NSDC or revised from time to time. The duration of the training for a batch must be in terms of the duration as applicable to the job role/trade approved by Healthcare Sector Skills Council (HSSC) under NSDC.

Last Date of Submission: 14-09-2021 up to 5.00 PM in Hard copy