1.1. The Additional Skill Acquisition Programme Kerala (ASAP Kerala), a Government of Kerala Company, (hereinafter called ASAP Kerala) invites EoI from Prospective Training Agencies/ Organizations/Industries to Impart Skill Training
1.2. Details/Documents provided for the submission of application
(a) Section 1 – Invitation for Applications
(b) Section 2 – Instructions to Applicants
(c) Section 3 – Terms and conditions
(d) Section 4 – Forms
1.3. Submission of Application
(a) Applications must be direct, concise, and complete. ASAP Kerala will evaluate the agency based on its clarity and the directness of its response to the requirements of the company as outlined in this document.
(b) Applicant shall furnish the required information online and upload necessary documents to substantiate their experience in ASAP Kerala Website:
www.asapkerala.gov.in. Any deviations in format or adoption of any other mode for application will not be considered.
(c) The template for documents can be downloaded from the website www.asapkerala.gov.in.
(d) Submission of Applications: Applicants should submit their Expression of Interests in online mode and in accordance to the instructions given in this document. No Financial proposals need to be submitted along with the application.
1.4. This is a standing advertisement. There is no specific requirement on when an applicant can submit an online application. Online applications will be accepted throughout the year.
1.5. Interested Training Agencies/Organizations/Industries are requested to clarify their doubts regarding the selection and seek information on the assignment as email addressed to [email protected]. ASAP Kerala will discuss and review the queries and provide reply through emails and ASAP Kerala website.
1.6. Opening of Applications: Applications will be opened online, by Chairperson and Managing Director, Additional Skill Acquisition Programme Kerala or her authorized representative or by a committee constituted for this purpose, as and when the applications are received.
1.7. Empanelment of Agencies will be done only after evaluation of the application submitted based on the relevance of the course proposed and the expertise of the applicant.
Last Date to Apply: Online applications will be accepted throughout the year.
To download the advertisement and Application form click the below link: