TERMS OF REFERENCE (ToR) FOR “Providing Skill Training to Drug Abuse Victim in Punjab.”
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1. Purpose and Scope of work
Punjab Skill Development Mission (PSDM} proposes to engage agency(ies) out of its empaneled training partners in the State of Punjab for carrying out Skill Development Trainings as mentioned in scope of work at Annexure-A.
2. Documents to be submitted and the Eligibility criteria for selection of agencies
The documents to be submitted with the application and the eligibility criteria for selection of agencies is as per Annexure-8, Bl, 82, 83, C and Annexure D.

3. Application Submission Guidelines
The application shall be submitted on e-procurement portal www.eproc.punjab.gov.in in accordance with the following guidelines:
a) Application shall be submitted in the format as per Annexure-C.
b) The application shall be unconditional; otherwise it shall be rejected.
c) All the information/details are to be supported by authentic documents duly certified by the Applicant with signatures on each page.
d) Applications shall be submitted on e-procurement portal www.eproc.punjab.gov.in. Any other means of submission will not be accepted and will be summarily rejected.
e) Tender Fee shall be Rs 1000/-.
f) Processing Fees shall be Rs 10,000/-. g) EMD shall be Rs. 15,000/-.
h) Performance Bank Guarantee @ 10% of total project cost with validity till 31-05-2025 shall be submitted by the shortlisted agency within 07 days of issuance of work order.
i) The EMO of successful bidder shall be refunded after submission of Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG).
j) The Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) shall be released in 01 month after completion of work order and payment of all installments as per schedule. Non submission/wrong submission of claim as per guidelines and timelines of any/all installment will result in forfeiture of Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG).
k) One applicant is allowed only one application. The applicant may apply for multiple job roles at different centres.
Bidding Schedule shall be as follows:

Scope of Work
Role of Training Partner
- The training will happen at the institutions (mentioned below) where the drug abuse victims are present. The training partner will be responsible for ensuring the readiness of the Training centre premises, including setting up the classroom for conducting the training, providing TOT-certified trainers, as well as managing the training, monitoring and assessment of candidates by the Sector Skill Council as below. Please also see Annexure B1.

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