Date has been extended till 07-02-2025, till 6.00 PM & Technical Corrigendum has bee issued.
JBOCWW Board invites Expression of Interest for Empanelment of Training Service Providers under Skill development Program me for Registered Construction workers of Jharkhand Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board and Their Dependents above 18 years in various districts of Jharkhand from registered, experienced and willing agencies.
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Details of EOI will be available on https://jharkhandtenders.gov.in/nicgep/app Interested agencies are requested to visit https://jharkhandtenders.gov.in/nicgep/app for participating in the e- tender. JBOCWW board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason.

Pre-Qualification Criteria:

Note: If ISO 9001 certificate is currently under issuance / renewal, same can be considered eligible only if the respective certification application for issuance / renewal is under process before date of issue of this EOI. The Bidder needs to submit the supporting document clearly indicating documents related to issuance/renewal along with certificate from the appointed certifying authority that the certification issuance / renewal is under process. The Bidder shall be required to submit valid certificate before award of contract.
To download the EOI click the below link: