Ministry Of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE), National Council for Vocational Education & Training (NCVET), on the Request of the existing Awarding Bodies/Assessment Agencies seeking NCVET recognition has extended the due date for submission of applications in view of the current pandemic situation.
1. Refer to the following communications regarding the subject noted above:
a) NCVET office Order dated 28/10/20 regarding ‘Implementation of NCVET Guidelines’.
b) NCVET notice dated 29/10/20.
c) NCVET circulars dated 22nd and 30th December 2020 regarding ‘Operationalising Assessment Agency & Awarding Body Guidelines respectively’.
d) NCVET order dated 23/04/21.
e) Various guidelines/ orders issued by MHA, MoHFW and Govt of NCT Delhi on COVID-19.
2. A number of requests have been received from the existing Awarding Bodies/Assessment Agencies seeking NCVET recognition requesting NCVET to extend the last date of submission of the applications in view of the current pandemic situations, the restrictions imposed and lockdowns in many areas by the State Governments concerned. In this regard earlier an extension of one week, i.e. from 27.04.2021 till 04/05/2021, was granted vide NCVET order dated 23 Apr 2021 under reference at paragraph 1(d) above.
3. However, in view of the present Covid-19 pandemic situation, continued restrictions and lockdown by many State Governments including Delhi and the submission of many existing ABs/AAs about their inability to submit their applications because of the same, the request of existing ABs/AAs has been considered for further extension of the date for submission of their applications.
4. Considering the unprecedented situation, request received from existing AAs/AAs and the COVID-19 guidelines issued by various State Government and Govt of India, from time to time, the competent authority has decided to extend the last date of submission of proposals by one month from the original date of submission i.e. till 27th May 2021.
4. All existing ABs & AAs are now required to apply by 27th May 2021 so as to enable NCVET to process their applications well before the expiry of the allowed transition period of one year from 27 Oct 2020. If any existing ABs & AAs fails to submit the completed applications or causes further delay in the submission of the proposals, it may not leave the required minimum processing time with NCVT resulting into laps of the recognition of such ABs/AAs beyond 27 Oct 2021 and in case of any such eventuality, the concerned applicant body shall be solely responsible for the same.