Online Proposal is invited by SHREETRON India Limited, Uttar Pradesh for Empanelment of Companies/Firms of proven capabilities as a Service Provider for COMPUTER TRAINING & OTHER TRAININGS up to 12:00 P.M on 17.07.2021 and shall be opened at 05:00 P.M. on 17.07.2021.
To get the latest updates on skill development tenders, EOI, RFP, Notifications, News CLICK HERE to follow SKILLSPEDIA on FACEBOOK
The Proposal processing fee is Rs. 35,400/- The details for submission of Proposal will be available in the tender document on the U.P. Government e-procurement website http://etender.up.nic.in from 18.06.2021 at 06:00 P.M.
The Company reserves the right to cancel any or all the Proposal / annul the bidding process
without assigning any reason and the decision of the company will be final.
This invitation for Proposal is for empanelment of experienced companies/organizations in the areas of COMPUTER TRAINING & OTHER TRAININGS for the period of Two years.

- The Applicant must be a Proprietorship Concern/Company registered under Indian Company Act, 2013/ Firm registered under The Partnership Act 1932/ Society registered under Societies Act, 1860/Autonomous bodies or any other venture not covered above and in similar business for the last three years as on 31st March 2020. Consortium of companies/firms etc. is not allowed to apply for empanelment ( Copy of valid Certificate of Incorporation or firms‟ registration attested by Company Secretary/ Authorized Signatory)
- The applicant should have valid GST Registration in its name ( attach copy of registration)
- The applicant should have Income Tax PAN in its name (Attach copy)
- A latest notarized affidavit on Rs. 100/-, self-certificate that the Company has not been blacklisted by any department/autonomous body/PSU of the Central/State Government in the past three years as on last date of submission of the RFE (submit as per Annexure 5)
- Average Annual Turnover for the year 2017-18., 2018-19 & 2019-20 from specific trade/group for which applicant seeking empanelment as per Evaluation Criteria above.
- Specific eligibility criteria against each category has been mentioned.
The tentative list of work for empanelment for COMPUTER TRAINING & OTHER TRAININGS category is mentioned below as per the requirement of individual orders from the client Departments:
- Computer Training
- Skill Training
- Capacity Building
- Software Based ETC
Specific Eligibility Criteria of empanelment for COMPUTER TRAINING & OTHER TRAININGS

Last Date: 17/07/2021 upto 12.00 PM
To download detailed RFE and Tender Notice click below links: