State Urban Livelihood Mission (SULM), Directorate, Urban Administration & Development, Government of MP, invites Request for Proposal (RFP) for Empanelment of Skill Training Providers (STPs) for Skill Training Program under EST&P Component of Day-NULM.
RFP Document Cost: Rs. 10,000/- (Non-Refundable)
EMD (Earnest Money Deposit): Rs. 1,00,000/- (Refundable)
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The total Number of Districts, ULBs and Training Targets is as under:
- Districts- 52
- ULBs- 406
- Target- 52000
State Urban Livelihood Mission (SULM), M.P., under the Directorate of Urban Administration and Development, Government of Madhya Pradesh (GoMP), is implementing the DAY-National Urban Livelihood Mission (DAY-NULM) program of GoI in 406 ULBs of the State. The EST&P program component is designed to provide sustainable livelihood to urban poor through skill training, details of which are available at https://nulm.gov.in/
The Client invites proposals from eligible public and private sector organizations for providing skill training, certification & placement to the urban poor (BPL) in all ULBs selected under DAY-NULM. Please refer to the details of eligible organizations given in Section 2 of this RFP document.
Selected organizations will be empaneled for 3 years (from 2021 through 2024), which may be extendable to 5 years; however, work-order and MoU will be issued/executed on yearly basis.
Therefore, performance of the empaneled organizations will be a key factor in being able to remain empaneled till the end of the empanelment period. Any organization lacking in performance will be de-empaneled forthwith. Criteria of performance mentioned here will be target achievement and adherence to the project stipulations and quality standards as prescribed in the RFP document and as laid down in NULM/CNN guidelines.

All payments with regard to RFP submission have to be made online through www.mptenders.gov.in portal.
Important Dates

Eligible Organizations
For this RFP, following organizations are eligible to apply (Essential Eligibility Criteria)-
- A government or quasi-government organization, department, or institute capable of conducting skill training such as Industrial Training Institutes (ITI), Polytechnic Colleges, technical university, or
- A private sector training organization, registered as a company, or a society, or a trust, for minimum three years and, empaneled with NSDC or SSC, or running a SMART (Skill Management and Accreditation of Training) accredited training center, or a training provider engaged by any other Government Agency for the purpose of skill training, the average annual turnover for the previous 3 financial years of which should not be less than Rs 2 crore, and which has cumulatively trained & placed in applied sectors/courses at least 1000 and 500 candidates respectively during the last 3 financial years.
- Both the government and the private sector organizations need to have demonstrable proof of placement tie-ups in the form of commitment letters from prospective employers on their letter- head for the skill sector/ trade they are proposing training program for.
- Blacklisted organizations across the nation or those not meeting the above criteria will be ineligible to apply. To apply in Consortium is also not allowed.
- Meeting the eligibility criteria does not mean claim to selection. The commissioner/ Mission Director, SULM, UADD can reject any organization meeting the eligibility criteria, or passing the evaluation process, without assigning any reason. Similarly, in exceptional cases of exemplary work or otherwise, the Commissioner/ Mission Director, SULM, UADD can exercise his discretion to select any organization to empanel as STP even when the eligibility criteria are not met, or the evaluation test has not been taken, bypassed, or failed.
- Any legally registered organization which is a new organization or a start-up, and does not otherwise meet eligibility criteria set in the RFP document, but has good credibility and operational or financial strength, can also be considered to be empaneled as an STP at the discretion of the client/Commissioner/Mission Director, SULM on case to case basis.
Period of Empanelment
Selected organizations will be empaneled for 3 years.
However, work-order and MoU will be issued/executed on yearly basis and non-performing/ defaulting STPs will be de-empaneled at the earliest incidence of non-performance/ default.
Training Target
The overall skill training target of ESTP component for the state for the FY 2021-2022 is 52000, district wise distribution for the same is given in the table below:

District-wise Allocation of Prospective Skill Training Sectors
A suggestive list of district wise prospective skill training sectors is given below to help applicants plan their skill training activities for the proposal (Source- NSDC Skill Gap Study, 2013 and ADB Madhya Pradesh Skill Development Project Report, 2018).

To Download the detailed RFP and Application Format click the below link: