Principal Secretary, Dept. of Labour Resources, Govt. of Bihar- cum- CEO, Bihar Skill Development Mission (BSDM), invites proposals (Single Bid System) from reputed and experienced organizations to implement employment-linked Domain Skill Development Programme under Information Technology Department, Govt. of Bihar under the overall framework of Bihar Skill Development Mission. Training partners who have placement opportunities available through verifiable placement tie-ups can only apply under this RFP.
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Document Fee and Tender Processing Fee: All Applicants must pay a non-refundable Document Fee of Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only) and Tender Processing Fee of Rs. 590.00 (Five Hundred Ninety only) through e-payment mode (i.e. NEFT/RTGS/Credit Card/Debit Card) on E-Proc Portal.
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): An EMD of Rs. 50,000/- (Fifty Thousand) only, through e-payment mode (i.e. NEFT/RTGS/Credit Card/Debit Card) on E-Proc Portal, before the last date/time for submission/ uploading of proposal, failing which the bid will be rejected. This EMD will be non-interest bearing and refundable. If the selected agencies fail to submit the requisite performance guarantee or to execute the agreement, this EMD will be forfeited.
Performance Guarantee: Rs. 50,000/- per training center in the form of demand draft will have to be deposited to the respective department by the successful applicants.
The Proposal has to be submitted through online mode on https://www.eproc2.bihar.gov.in and can be searched by clicking the Tab “Tender” on home page of above website and then going to Latest Tender by searching Department Name as “Labour Resources Department”.
For Tender Preparation support or for any query please call SKILLSPEDIA.IN @ 702-47-48-999
The application procedure, eligibility criteria, evaluation methodology, terms and conditions and the scope of work are detailed in the RFP document which can be seen or downloaded from the “e-Procurement Portal https://www.eproc2.bihar.gov.in and departmental website: http://www.skillmissionbihar.org
The RFP will be available to download from the above websites from Date 04.08.2023. The last date for uploading of proposal will be Date 25.08.2023 up to 15.00 Hrs. Proposal will be opened on or after Date 25.08.2023 post 16:00 Hrs. The Evaluation of proposals will be made as per criteria laid down in RFP. Please refer RFP document for complete details.
Contact person/Nodal Officer for queries:
Name: Sanjay Kumar & Designation: Mission Director, Email: [email protected] & contact no: 9430061300
Eligibility Criteria and Proposal Evaluation
Technical Evaluation Criteria and Score
List of Indicative Sectors, Job Roles and Target for the Department of Information Technology, GoB
Technical Evaluation and Target Allocation
• All the training partners who will meet the eligibility criteria will be called for a technical presentation. Intimation regarding the date, time and venue of the technical presentation will be sent to the bidder on their given email ID.
• The technical presentation shall be held before the committee consisting of BSDM and representatives of the respective Department.
• Only those bidders who will qualify the technical evaluation round will be selected for the empanelment as Training Partner for the respective Department.
• Minimum 60 marks will be needed to qualify the technical evaluation round. However, securing 60 marks or above will not guarantee empanelment with the respective department or allocation of target.
• The total number of required training partners that will be selected for empanelment with a department, will be based on the requirement of concerned department and their total target. The selection will be based in the order of obtained technical score.
• The number of Training Partners shall be decided according to the accepted LoI/s per Job Role (Course). The number of districts and centers to be allocated to any training partner shall be proportional to the marks obtained by the applicant organization.
• The list of training partners will be shared with the respective department which in turn will decide about the target allocation, districts, and number of centers for a particular training partner based on their preference of districts, placement LOIs and financial capability to establish training centers. In case of same preference of districts by more than one training partner or for other like decision, the department will decide in the order of obtained score under technical evaluation. The department may initially allocate lesser target and number of centers and based on performance may further allocate target and centers. Maximum Two Centers will be allocated for a particular district for a particular training partner under one department.
However, CEO, BSDM or the secretary/principal secretary of the concerned department may relax or make stringent or may modify the above procedure of target allocation/district/number of centers either generally or particularly.
• The rationalization of district/s allocation, number of training centers and target allocation for a training partner, shall be decided by the concerned department based on placement LoIs and marks obtained in technical evaluation.
• In future the department may choose to allocate target in additional centers, sectors, job roles depending upon the performance of training partner and availability of placement LoIs in the concerned sector/ job roles.
To read the detailed RFP, click the below button: