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Tender Fees: Rs. 19000/- (Rupees Nineteen Thousand only) (Inclusive of GST)
Bid Security/EMD: Rs.6,00,000/- (Rupees Six Lakh Only)
GSDA has invited RFP from eligible organizations and/ or other civil society organizations registered as Societies/Trusts/ companies/ registered firms for organizing and conducting training under ATAL BHUJAL YOJANA (ATAL JAL) at Gram Panchayat Level in 13 Districts of Maharashtra.
The RFP document can be downloaded from the websites, https://mahatenders.gov.in and https://gsda.maharashtra.gov.in ; However, the bids of only those Bidders shall be considered for evaluations, who have made online payment of Rs. 19000/- (Rupees Nineteen Thousand only) (Inclusive of GST) for the RFP documents, without which bids will not be accepted.
The submission of the bid shall be online only as per the norms. The detailed information regarding the submission can be obtained from the websites, https://mahatenders.gov.in and https://gsda.maharashtra.gov.in
Project Area Selection:
Atal Bhujal Yojana (Atal-Jal) is being implemented in 1442 villages of 1132 Gram Panchayats (GPs) from 43 Blocks/Talukas of 13 districts from Maharashtra State. District-wise number of Talukas, Gram panchayats (GPs)& villages is presented below.
1) A Bidder can submit an online bid for organizing and conducting training under ATAL BHUJAL YOJANA (ATAL JAL) at Gram Panchayat Level in 13 Districts of Maharashtra”.
2) Agency which got appointed as SA (Support agency for assist to SPMU) and DIP shall not be allowed to take part in this procurement process.
3) Table- Project Area Packages

Minimum Eligibility Criteria:
Interested organizations should fulfill all of the following minimum eligibility criteria:

Joint Venture/Consortium:
Joint Venture/Consortium Not Allowed
Duration of Contract:
The duration of the Initial contract shall be up to the 31st March, 2023 from the date of signing the Contract Agreement.
To download the detailed RFP, click the below link: