RFP from NGOs/CSR implementing agencies for ‘Skill Development & Livelihoods’ under the flagship Urban Development Programme -Uday


Request for Proposal for NGOs working in Skill Development & Livelihoods. HCLFoundation invites proposals from NGOs/CSR implementing agencies for ‘Skill Development & Livelihoods’ under the flagship urban development programme – Uday.

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Programme Name: Skill Development and Livelihoods (under Uday by HCLFoundation)

Project Locations: Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh), Chennai, (Tamil Nadu), Hyderabad (Telangana) and Nagpur (Maharashtra)

HCLFoundation aims to alleviate poverty and achieve inclusive growth and development through life cycle- based, integrated community development approach that focuses on Education, Health, Skill Development and Livelihoods, Environment, and Disaster Risk Reduction and Response. At present, it is implementing five flagship programs, Samuday and HCLTech Grant (Rural Development); Uday and My Clean City (Urban Development); Harit – (Environment Action) and 4 special initiatives – Power of One, Sports for Change, Academy and My E-Haat.


This RFP invites proposals from implementing agencies and social sector organizations which are primarily working with government affiliated bodies such as Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs), and Polytechnics to collaborate and strengthen these government institutions. The selected partners are expected to strategize depending on the local socioeconomic context and the need of the trade/ courses to be taught in these institutions.

Proposals focusing on new-age employability skills tailored to current industries’ needs and Future 4.0 Skills such as Electric Vehicles (EVs), CNC Operator/Programmer, 3D Printing, Electrician Power Distributor, Computer Operator and Programming Assistant (COPA), Welder/Fabricator, Fitter, Food and Beverages, Internet of Thing (IoT) will be given more prominence. Placement of at least 85% of the batch is desired. Projects pertaining to setting up Yuvakendras for Persons with Disability (PwDs), transgender, and other such marginalized sections of the community are encouraged.

Submission Details & Deadlines:

Reputed NGOs/agencies may submit proposals as per their strength and area of expertise. All proposals must be submitted as per the prescribed Proposal Format along with Annexure A (Budget) and Annexure B (Gantt Chart). All 3 formats can be downloaded from the link below: HCL F – Proposal Formats

Budget: Budget must be submitted as per the attached template. Please provide detailed breakup of each line item and all sub-line item costs with clear budget explanatory notes. Any taxes including service tax, sales tax, value added tax or any other applicable tax, duty, cess or levies, must be quoted separately from the price of goods and services. The terms of payment along with a tentative timeline must also be attached.

Gantt Chart: The Gantt Chart must detail the comprehensive list of activities proposed in the proposal along with a tentative timeline. A sample Gantt Chart can be downloaded from the link above. NGOs/implementation Agencies may make the required changes in the Gantt Chart as per the activities proposed by them.

Please submit proposals by 25th Jan 2025 to [email protected] and [email protected]

Please send in your submissions with Subject Line in the given format:
HCLF/RfP/SDL/Uday by HCLFoundation/26122024/

Proposals must be submitted along with Budget and Gantt chart ONLY in the formats
shared on the link. Proposals not shared in the given format are liable for rejection. Proposals
received after the due date and time will not be considered.

All enquiries regarding this RFP should be made by 20th Jan 2025 via email to [email protected]

Click the below button to download the RFP: