Date Extension-NIXI Proposal for CSR Activities


Reference to the earlier Notice dated 28th April, 2023, National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI) has decided to extend the date to receive proposals till 31st, May, 2023. Interested Agencies/ trusts/registered societies and NGO’s working for welfare of society for the financial year 2023-24 may submit their proposal in following 5 (five) sectors/areas:

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  1. Women Empowerment.
  2. Eradicating Hunger and Poverty.
  3. Promoting education (vocational or non-vocational).
  4. Cyber security awareness and setting up of computer labs.
  5. Healthcare – Cataract surgery for a particular village or area.

The entity(applicant) shall be CSR registered. Eligible agencies may submit their proposals with the following details:

  • Background profile of the company.
  • Profile of the past CSR activities and their impact on society.
  • Project proposals along with required functioning, beneficiaries and impact on society.
    The interested parties shall submit detailed proposal citing the above details in the sealed envelopes at the following address latest by 31st May, 2023.

National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI),
9th Floor, B-Wing, Statesman House, 148, Barakhamba Rd,
New Delhi, Delhi 110001
Contact no.- 011-48202007