The Secretary, District E-Governance Society (hereinafter referred as DeGS), invites bids from suitable bidders to select experienced and capable operator for Establishment, Operation and Maintenance of the Lok Seva Kendra (LSK) at different Districts (including their Block/Tehsil/Grampanchayat) of Madhya Pradesh mentioned as under:
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- Balaghat
- Ujjain
- Harda
- Shajapur
- Neemuch
- Mandsaur
- Hoshangabad
- Ratlam
- Damoh
- Dindori
- Rajgarh
- Seoni
- Raisen
- Singrauli
- Bhopal
- Umaria
- Khargone
- Raisen
- Damoh
- Anuppur
- Satna
- Burhanpur
- Jhabua
- Vidisha
- Rewa
- Morena
- Dhar
- Sehore
- Chhindwara
- Panna
- Barwani
- Katni
Tender Fee: Rs. 1000/- (Non-refundable)
Bid Security: Rs. 1,00,000/- (Refundable) to be submitted online through https://mptenders.gov.in/ portal
Scope of Work
The scope of work will broadly include establishing, maintaining and operating Lok Seva Kendra as per Standard Operating Procedure prescribed by DeGS (hereinafter called Society”) or DPSM from time to time.
It shall provide services to the applicants during the agreement period in accordance with the provisions of RFP document and instructions/guidelines/ orders issued by competent authority from time to time.
About Lok Seva Kendra
a) Lok Seva Kendra shall act as One Stop Shop for all citizen services. Citizens will be able to avail services related to multiple departments/ organizations at the same counter. It is envisaged as a service-oriented model with a large bouquet of services made available to the citizens.
Right from stage of filing application to financial transaction to final Service Delivery, Document collection (if any) each activity will take place at these counters. Only for the cases where there is some statutory requirement of personal verification, will the citizen be required to go to the concerned government functionaries.
The Government / Private Service delivery will be on chargeable basis to make the LSK self-sustaining. Also, provision of Viability Gap Funding (VGF) will help LSK Operators to sustain in case of low foot fall.
b) The LSKs are categorized under the following 2 categories:

c) LSKs are to be operated and maintained with a very high degree of focus on quality-of-service delivery.
d) LSKs should establish an image for themselves as entities that care for citizens. Speed of delivery, effectiveness and courtesy should be the watchwords of LSKs which should be reflected through the actions, conduct and behaviour of all the personnel associated with LSKs; particularly personnel and staff deployed by the LSK Operator.
e) Possession of LSK will be handed over to the Operator within one month of signing of the SLA.
Indicative list of items at LSKs to be provided by DeGS
a) The indicative list of items to be provided by DeGS at each LSK is mentioned below, LSK operator shall maintain the items provided by DeGS.
b) DeGS shall visit each LSK before handing over to new LSK Operator to list down items available in As-Is condition and fulfil requirement as per table mentioned below.

Responsibilities of Lok Seva Kendra Operator
a) Supply, Installation and Configuration of hardware, software, networking, and other peripherals
i. LSK Operator will procure and supply brand new hardware, software, networking infrastructure items of the same make and model across all the centers to maintain uniformity and standardization. In addition, the LSK Operator will also be responsible for all updates, patches, service packs, bug fixes etc. for system software for the entire duration of contract period. This shall be based on LSK Operator’s own assessment to meet all the requirements as specified in this RFP:

b) Employ person whose CVs and consent are approved by the DeGS ANUPPURbased on the
below category definition.

Under Category A:
I. One person with diploma or degree holder in the field of Computer to effectively handle hardware and resolve issues related to software.
II. One person shall be deployed to deal with public relations at enquiry counter.
III. Three “computer operators” having adequate skills to key in data/text in web-based software.
IV. Out of the 5 staffs, at least 2 women staff should be mandatorily deployed by the LSK Operator.
Under Category B:
I. One person with diploma or degree holder in the field of Computers to effectively handle hardware and resolve issues related to software and to deal with public relation at enquiry counter.
II. Two “computer operators” having adequate skills to key in data/text in web-based software
III. Out of the 3 staffs, at least 1 women staff should be mandatorily deployed by the LSK Operator
General Eligibility:
o The bidder may be an individual, proprietary firm, registered society, a firm or a corporate body. However, no bidder entity or any of its members can be a member of another bidder entity.
o The bidder shall not have a Conflict of Interest that affects the Bidding Process. Any bidder found to have a Conflict of Interest shall be disqualified. Whether a situation amounts to conflict of interest or not shall be determined by the DeGS and his decision shall be final.
o Any entity, which has been barred from participating in any project by the Central/State Government or by any entity controlled by it and if the bar subsists as on the date of bid, would not be eligible to submit a bid.
o The bidder should in the last 3 (three) years have neither failed to perform any contract as evidenced by imposition of a penalty by an arbitral or judicial authority or a judicial pronouncement or arbitration award against him, nor has been expelled from any project or contract by any public entity nor have had any contract terminated by any public entity for breach of contract.
o No bidder shall be a member of another bidding entity.
o Bidder should have not been an LSK Operator whose services were terminated or contract was not renewed for non-satisfaction of performance.
Financial Capacity:
For demonstrating financial capacity the bidder shall have a minimum net worth of Rs. 10,00,000 (Rupees Ten Lakhs Only) as on 31st March 2022/ 31st March 2023.
The certificate from the statutory auditors specifying Bidder’s net worth at the close of the preceding financial year and the methodology adopted for calculating such net worth shall be enclosed.
He/ She may show that he/she is solvent to the minimum extent of Rs 20,00,000 (Rupees Twenty Lakhs Only) for which he/she shall produce the solvency certificate of the competent revenue authority.
i) It is clarified that in case the bidder entity is association of persons one of the members of the association should fulfil the above financial capacity. The members will not be allowed to club their individual worth or solvency to prove the financial capacity.
ii) It is also clarified that the bidder entity can bid depending on its net worth/ solvency in following conditions:
a. For one LSK in a District – its net worth/solvency is Rs. 10 lakh / 20 lakh respectively.
b. For two or three LSKs in a District, its net worth/solvency should be Rs 20 Lakhs/40 lakhs respectively.
In case, Bidder is any company/ firm/ MSME/ society, then Net worth/ Solvency certificate has to be in the name of that Company/ firm/ MSME/ society. If bidder is an individual, then Net worth/ Solvency certificate has to be in the name of that individual.
To download the RFP of respective District/Block/Tehsil, visit https://mptenders.gov.in/
For Tender Preparation support or for any query please call SKILLSPEDIA.IN @ 702-47-48-999