Sealed responses are invited by ORMAS (Odisha Rural Development & Marketing Society), PR & DW Department, Government of Odisha from interested agencies for the following assignments through an EOI. Last Date: 01-06-2023 till 1.00 PM
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A) Engagement of Project Implementing Agencies (PIAs) for Skilling of Rural Youth on Plumbing, Pump Operation, Solar Panels & Electricals for Jal Jeevan Mission/BASUDHA, RWS&S, Odisha Implemented by ORMAS
B) Engagement of Project Implementing Agencies (PIA) to undertake Placement linked Skill Development Training of Youth in the targeted areas of Odisha Mining Corporation (OMC) Ltd.
The detailed information may be downloaded from the ORMAS website www.ormas.org along with the terms & conditions of the Eol.
The EOI response should be submitted in the prescribed format along with all relevant documents duly signed and sealed.
The EOI response should reach the ORMAS on or before 1st June 2023 by 1:00 PM either by Courier/ Speed post/Registered Post/ Drop box in two separate envelopes clearly specifying the name of the assignment.
The applicant agency may apply for both or any one of the assignments as mentioned above. EOI response (s) after due date and time shall not be accepted.
The ORMAS shall not be responsible for delay in postal delivery or similar reasons.
In case of any Addendum/ Clarification/ Corrigendum/ Extension regarding this Eol, the same will be published in the ORMAS website. Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any Eol, and to cancel the process at any time prior to the award of contract without assigning any reason thereof.
To read both the EOIs, click below button: