Paschim Banga Society for Skill Development (PBSSD) is mandated to implement the short-term skill development programme in the State.
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PBSSD has been issuing EOIs under various central and state sponsored skill and livelihood development programs benefiting the unemployed youth of the state and to meet out the demand of skilled manpower in various economic sectors by setting up Skill Development Centers (SDCs). PBSSD is implementing skill training programmes in collaboration with large number of government and private training partners.
West Bengal has been allocated target under Centrally Sponsored and State Managed Component
of Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana 3.0 (PMKVY 3.0 State Engagement). PBSSD is the executing
agency for this scheme in West Bengal.
For empanelment of Training Partners to undertake the project under Centrally Sponsored and State Managed Component under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana 3.0 (PMKVY 3.0 State Engagement) in the State of West Bengal. In the first phase, courses only under category I & IV of CSSM PMKVY 3.0 are being invited. PBSSD invites the Expression of Interest (EOI) from interested and eligible agencies for submission of proposal for empanelment to undertake project under CSSM component of PMKVY 3.0.
Eligibility Criteria:
A. The Agency should be a registered Proprietorship/Partnership Firm/Private Limited Company/Public Limited Company / Registered Society / Trust / Association / Government institutions / Public Sector Units / Universities / Educational institutes including technical and professional institutes having affiliation or recognition of relevant Board / Council etc.
B. The applying agency will submit the details of project with a covering letter as prescribed in Annexure-1 and submit applicant details with relevant documents as per Annexure-2.
All the agencies mentioned above should:
C. Have been active and operational continuously anywhere in the country for the last three years on the date of application.
D. Have an average annual turnover of Rs. 1 Crore or more from skill development and placement linked programs OR Rs. 3.0 Crore or more from various activities, in the past three consecutive years (2017-18, 2018-19, 2019- 2020). Agency is required to submit copy of audited financials for the last three years along with Annexure-3
E. Existing Training partners / PIAs already empaneled with PBSSD in UTKARSH BANGLA or DDU-GKY programs would also be eligible for empanelment under this EOI. (The sector-specific UTKARSH BANGLA training partners would be eligible to apply only in the allotted sectors) Annexure-3a.
F. Have established and run at least 10 skill development centers in the State/UT of India in any of the last three consecutive years. Annexure-4
G. Have trained not less than 3000 youth and have provided placement to not less than 1500 youth in last three consecutive years (Existing training partners of PBSSD should have trained 3000 or more youth and have provided placement to 1000 or more youth in last 3 consecutive years). Annexure-5
H. Not have been blacklisted by any donor agency/ State Government/ Central Government. A self-certificate must be submitted as per Annexure-6.
I. Submit a self-declaration on assurance to follow PBSSD & PMKVY 3.0 norms (as amended from time to time) Annexure-7.
J. Submit past performance (program wise) Industry Linkages & basic project plan of PMKVY 3.0 (CSSM) information as per Annexure-8
Technical Evaluation Matrix:

Joint Ventures (JVs):
Joint Ventures are also permitted to apply for the program –
A. JV members will be jointly & severally liable. Agreement (undertaking) of JV must be submitted along with the proposal. Further, JV agreement should be submitted before the signing of MoU under the project.
B. EMD and processing fee should be submitted by the lead partner, if these are provided by 2nd partner than the documents of 2nd partner will also be checked as per the eligibility criteria laid down in the EOI.
Proposal Processing Fee:
A. All Applicants must pay a non-refundable Proposal Processing Fee of Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty-Five Thousand only). This will be paid in the form of a Demand Draft Payable to ‘Paschim Banga Society for Skill Development’ payable at Kolkata, drawn on any scheduled commercial bank and must accompany with Covering Letter in cover of the Proposal Document. Proposals that are not accompanied by the Proposal Processing Fee shall be rejected by PBSSD.
B. Government Institutions/organizations shall be exempted from Processing Fee.
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD):
A. All Applicants are requested to submit a refundable Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakh only). This will be paid online. Proposals that are not accompanied by the above Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) shall not be considered.
B. The EMD of the unsuccessful Training Provider would be returned (without interest) within 30 days of decision of rejection. In case of shortlisted Training Provider, the demand draft would remain with PBSSD till signing of MoU.
C. The EMD will be forfeited on account of one or more of the following reasons: In case, applicant withdraws from an EoI during the period of validity of EoI (EoI shall be valid for 180 days from date of submission of proposal); In case, applicant does not participate in the subsequent process of EoI (Presentation before the committee, Signing of MoU) after having been shortlisted.
Note: Government Institutions / organizations shall be exempted from EMD.
Link for submission of EOI : www.wbtenders.gov.in
Last Date for proposal submission: 14-June-2021 05:00 PM
To download the EOI and Corrigendum, click below links:
DOWNLOAD Corrigendum for Turnover
DOWNLOAD Corrigendum for Date Extension
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