Tripura Urban Livelihood Mission (TULM), Directorate of Urban Development (DUD), Govt of Tripura, intends to empanel an agency(ies) / firm(s) which are NSDC empanelled with requisite experience and capabilities for implementing Placement Linked Skill Development Trainings in 20 ULBs of Tripura.
Accordingly, DUD invites Expression of Interest (EoI) from interested & potential NSDC empanelled Agencies / Firms for the same. Entities eligible to bid for the empanelment for the said work shall be any Registered Proprietorship / Private Limited / COMPANY / Registered Society satisfying the minimum criteria.

The bidders are required to upload & submit their e–tender for the above works online http://www.tripuratenders.gov.in. only. The bidders are advised to obtain Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from suitable vendors or any authorized agency.
All amendments, time extension, clarifications etc. will be uploaded on the website (https//:tripuratenders.gov.in) only and will not be published in newspapers. The bidders should regularly visit the website to keep themselves updated.
1.2. i) Employment through Skill Training and Placement (ESTP) is a major component under DAY-NULM. It aims to impart placement-linked skill training to the youth belonging to urban poor category for the mission cities. The coverage of training is extended to all the 20 ULBs. It is targeted to cover around 5000 youth from the 20 cities for skill development training during two years in two phases. Present EoI is published for selection of training agencies as Skill Training Providers (STPs) empanelled by NSDC for placement-linked skill training under DAY- NULM.
ii) All Skill Development courses offered under the EST&P must conform to the NSQF notified on 27/12/2013 which provides for the transition of all training / educational programmes/courses to be NSQF compliant by the third-anniversary date of notification of NSQF. All training providers under EST&P would need to comply with this requirement of the NSQF , failure to do which would lead to their delisting by empanelling/approving authority . Soft skills are integral part of the Qualification Packs under NSQF.
Eligibility Criteria for Organisations:
(i) Prospective STPs should have at least three years experience in the field of placement-linked skill development trainings and conform to 1.2(ii) of the EoI.
(ii) The agencies should have certification arrangements with nationally recognised bodies like NCVT, SCVT, SSCs, which are NSQF approved and provide NSQF compliant certificates to successfully trained candidates.
(iii) The agencies should have sufficient training infrastructure with training aids and equipment as per industry standards in Tripura and should be willing to establish training centres in the Mission Cities in Tripura wherever they are imparting training.
(iv) The agencies should have placement partners preferably within the State or outside employment.
(v) Empanelled agency(ies) of NSDC / Directorate of Skill Development , Govt. of Tripura / DDU-GKY or PMKVY with more than 5 years of experiences / 7 years of experiences in implementing of skill training development in Govt. organization may participate in the bidding process. Proper , valid & relevant documents has to be submitted to prove their validity/authenticity.
(vi) Agency/ies will adhered the operational guidelines of DAY-NULM scheme throughout the procedure.
EMD: Rs. 1,00,000/- to be paid through online portal
Link for submitting the proposal: http://www.tripuratenders.gov.in