EOI for Implementation of Skill Education aligned with National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) in Government/ Provincialized Schools of Assam under Samagra Shiksha Axom


Date Extended till 29-01-2025: Assam Samagra Shiksha Axom-Vocationalization of School Education

INIVITATION FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) FOR Implementation of Skill Education aligned with National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) in Government/Provincialized Schools of Assam under Samagra Shiksha Axom.

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Vocationalisation of School Education (VSE) under Samagra Shiksha was introduced at the Secondary stage to make provisions for the development of productive skills alongside general academic education throughout the school education system. The Vocational Education component under Samagra Shiksha provides for giving introduction of vocational courses from Classes IX to XII, which are aligned with the National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) notified by the Government of India in 2013. The NSQF is a nationally integrated education and competency-based framework and organizes qualifications according to a series of levels of knowledge, skills, and aptitude.


[i] In view of above Project Approval Board (PAB), Ministry of Education, Government of India has approved total 506 Government Higher Secondary& High School to implement the Skill Education. Out of which 476 schools are under Samagra Shiksa Scheme and 30 schools under PM-SHRI scheme. The list of Trade wise schools is appended in Annexure –I which may be changed due to the administrative and other reason.

475 SS Schools+01KGBV+(22+8) PM SHRI Schools

N.B.: Lab setup value Rs. 3.33 Lakhs( Approx.) (per lab), for 996 labs (trade wise) to be setup in 505 Secondary Schools and 01 KGBVs. List of Lab items as per PSSCIVE, Bhopal curriculum annexed at Annexure of Lab items from Annexure-A to M.

[ii] Along the point [i], EOI also intends to shortlist Vocational Training Partners for implementation of Vocational Education in existing 561 schools in 1013 trades across Assam with two years pattern. For these above schools lab setup cost is not included (As these schools already have lab setup).

The list of these schools is appended in Annexure II. which may be changed due to the administrative and other reason.

N.B.: No lab is required to be set up in these old schools.

 The Vocational Training Partners shall follow the two year phase out pattern as per the job role notified by Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.
 Entry level at Class IX and Class XI. Subject to approval of Govt. of India /Govt. Of Assam/Samagra Shiksha Axom.
 The number of schools may increase or decrease at the time of final allocation.
 The project will be jointly funded by Central Government and the State Government under Samagra Shiksha Axom.


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