Government Institute of Medical Sciences (GIMS) Greater Noida invites the Expression of Interest (EOI) Management of “Institute of Advance Healthcare Skill Center (IAHS)” Training Courses at Government Institute of Medical Sciences, Greater Noida, UP.
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EOI is to be dropped in the box, kept for this purpose which is available in Administration block Detailed format of EOI may be downloaded from the website www.gims.ac.in. GIMS reserves the right to reject any or all EOI without assigning any reasons.
This EOI is Agency/Firm/Company for Management of Skill Training Courses
Ref. no. GIMS/2025/Tender-EOI/01 Date:18/01/2025
Advertisement was published in The Times of India Date: 18/01/2025
Last date of submission of application is 17.02.2025 till 04:00pm
Application fee Rs. 1180/- (One Thousand One Hundred Eighty only) including 18% GST
in form of DD in favour of Director, GIMS Greater Noida payable at Greater Noida.
Security deposited of Rs. 25000/- (Twenty five thousand only) to be deposited by successful
bidders only.

In order to improve and augment the higher education, skilling, in all segments at Institute of Advance Healthcare Skill Center (IAHS), GIMS has invited Expression of Interest for Empanelment of service provider agency for management of various Training Courses at Government Institute of Medical Sciences, Greater Noida, UP. The detail scope of work / services are as follows:-
a. Responsibility of GIMS:
i. Provide for necessary infrastructure VIZ classroom and LAB for easing & skilling
ii. Equipment & Tools arrangement as per requirement.
iii. Office room. Basic facilities – Center Manger desk, Counselling, Washroom, drinking water facilities, Power back up.
iv. Library facilities
v. On Job Training (OJT) of students ( Availability of Laboratories & Wards and Clinical areas)
b. The Service Provider will be responsible to provide:
vi. Sensitizing , mobilizing candidates, assisting them in identifying the relevant courses available at GIMS
vii. Complete upkeep of infrastructure, equipments, manikins and all other inventories provided by the GIMS.
viii. Complete training of students and support to students
ix. Admission process, Verifying the candidate details, certifications /other relevant documents.
x. Assessment – both internal and external
xi. Monitoring day by day activity planner for Mobilization, Screening, training etc.
xii. Coordination with Assessment Agencies for scheduling assessments
xiii. Provide courseware and supporting training material for candidates
xiv. Managing faculty for training. Faculty will be hired as per the policy.
xv. On Job Training (OJT) of students ( provide faculty for OJT)
xvi. Placement cell
a. The agency will provide specific details for management of IAHS
b. The fees for the courses will be as per the prevailing rates of various academic institutions and professional associations.
[ Rates for GIMS staff will be 50% of outside candidates]
c. The fees will be deposited on the cash collection counter of GIMS. The service provider will provide the monthly bill to the institute based on number of students enrolled.
d. Digital transactions will be preferred as far as possible.
e. The payment to the agency will be provided within 7 working days to the agency after deducting the GIMS processing charges.
f. The Agency will provide percentage of charges (fees) to be given to GIMS on account of management of IAHS.
Agency Should have all the valid registration documents for compliance to all statutory requirements i.e., registration with appropriate authority.
Expression of Interest may drop in the box kept at ground floor, administrative block in GIMS premises. Any Expressions of Interest received after the stipulated period & will not be considered and will be rejected.
To read detailed EOI, click the below button: