MoRD invites “Expression of Interest” from the eligible agencies to submit their interest to “Expression Of Interest (EoI) to Partner with DDU GKY As Captive Employers” assignment at New Delhi. Interested applicants may obtain further information and procedure for submitting the “Expression of Interest” from the website: http://ddugky.gov.in/
Contact: Dipali Pujara, Phone: 011-23461802; 9999615194
E-Mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Salient Features of Captive Employers:
a. Training courses may be implemented by the Industry/Employer as per the requirement of the industry to train the candidate with minimum 576 hours of skilling and maximum 2304 hours of skilling for which DDU-GKY Funding shall be made available. The courses selected by the industry mandatorily be NSQF aligned.
b. Captive Employment to be provided for the minimum period of 6 months’ post completion of training preferably in the trained job role or any higher-level job role.
c. The payment to the candidates trained and further provided with captive employment should be as per the norms of Captive Employment Guideline.
d. The payment to the employer/industry shall be in reimbursement form. The Captive employers shall be paid in three instalments as defined in the Payout Model section of Captive Employment guidelines.
e. Mandatory external assessment of trainees needs to be conducted.
f. Performance Guarantee is not required to be submitted by Captive Employers
Advantage of Captive Employers under DDU-GKY:
a. The Captive Employer can provide the training to rural youths in their own premises, however it is mandated to have the required set-up for the opted job role as per National Skill Qualification Framework and branding of DDU-GKY.
b. Captive Employer MoU with MoRD shall be for a period of three years.
c. Captive Employers shall get top most priority in target allocation by States.
• Category ‘A’ status amongst PIAs (Project Implementation Agencies/Training Partners. (Refer to Section 4.7, Table 5, 1, c) of the Program Guidelines
• Second highest priority amongst the eight sub-categories of Category ‘A’ PIAs. (Refer 5.12 of the guidelines)
• An inter-se priority as a Category ‘A’ PIA over categories B and C.
d. Captive Employers will have waiver of QA Process, QA Fees, Due Diligence of Training center and other mandates of DDU-GKY SoP. However, regular checks of training conducted may be done during the training period
e. Performance Guarantee will not be applicable for Captive Employers
Key Expectations from Captive Employers:
The ‘Captive Employer’ is expected to provide sustainable employment of high quality at scale to minimum of 500 candidates in three years, with focus on co-branding, commitment to decent work norms, retention and career progression.
This has to be enabled through a model providing high levels of co-branding in all processes, activities and outcomes thus setting a benchmark for training quality, training material including use of technology and training delivery, and through an upskilling path through multiple training levels allowing a trainee to progressively achieve higher levels of skills & certification over a period starting from a novice level.
All the organizations fulfilling the eligibility criteria or with direct relevance to the sector will be provide preference. Critically, every Captive Employer is required to commit and adhere to the following deliverables:

• To enable the above, a MoU shall be signed between MoRD and the ‘Capti ve Empl oyer’. A sample MoU is provided in Annexure.
• A ‘Captive Empl oyer’ designated as such through a formal MoU would be awarded projects based on the approved processes and systems of Captive Employment Guidelines under DDU-GKY.
• An organization meeting the qualification criteria given here under will be selected as ‘Captive Employer’ with DDU-GKY.
The organizations may respond to this invitation by sending a Cover Letter and other documents as provided in Annexures in sealed hardcopy at the following address:
Director (Skills),
Rural-Skills Division
Ministry of Rural Development
7th Floor, NDCC-II Building,
Jai Singh Road, New Delhi-110001
For detailed EOI click below link: