Rajasthan Skill and Livelihoods Development Corporation (RSLDC) is mandated to implement the short-term skill development programmes in the State. The unorganized sector is facing number of challenges with respect to skill development.
Facilities for training in formal sector are grossly inadequate. To meet this kind of inadequacy, RSLDC has already issued EOIs earlier to invite proposals for setting up Skill Development Centres (SDCs) and is implementing state sponsored skill training programmes in collaboration with large number of training partners.
RSLDC is constantly embracing effective measures to enable easy access to training and skill development to the youth across the State.
In order to accelerate this initiative, RSLDC is inviting this Expression of Interest (EOI) from eligible national agencies and business houses, industry bodies, Registered Society/ Trust/ Association, Government Institutions/ Public Sector Units/ Universities/ Higher Educational Institutes including technical and professional institutes, colleges, Private ITIs, Polytechnics and other skill training provider institutions, to partner with RSLDC as a training provider to execute skill competency based Vocational Courses under SAKSHM- स्वरोजगार आधारित कौशल शिक्षा महाभियान Scheme.

To Download detailed EOI click below link: