Notice Inviting Bids for Providing Services as Professional Communication Agency for Development and Overseeing Implementation of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Strategy, Advertising and Public Relations for Centrally and State-Sponsored Schemes under DMA, Urban Development &Housing Department.
In order to effectively implement various schemes of the Central/State Government, there is a need to create awareness regarding the details of such scheme among the citizen. There is also need to publicize and spread information regarding the achievements made so as to mobilize and motivate the stakeholders involved in implementing the schemes. There is also a need to utilize various audio-visual media in propagating such information and also to formulate the IEC strategy, which plays an important role in successful execution of various schemes and programmes.
In light of above, D.M.A., Urban Development & Housing Department, Government of Jharkhand invites Bid for Providing Services as professional Communication Agency for a period of two year which may be extendable on performance basis with mutual concern and outcome from Professional Communications Agencies, who can formulate strategies, undertake and co-ordinate Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Strategy and activities including Communications, Advertising, Promotions, Public Relations and the other activities relating to various schemes and programme being implemented by the Urban Development & Housing Department, Government of Jharkhand.
- Tender Procedure
1.1 The Bidder should submit the proposals by e-tendering only at
A) Technical Bid (online)
B) Financial Bid (online BOQ only as per FORM – 7)
1.2 Technical part should contain all such details as mentioned in the Bid Document.
1.3 Financial part should contain the financial bid inclusive of all admissible taxes, duties & levies, etc. and submit through online tendering.
1.4 The Bid Document may be downloaded from under notice link/ under the Documents Part in Tender Section in which case, the tender fee of Rs. 5000/- (Rupees five thousand only) in the form of demand draft should be enclosed with the bid document at the time of submission.
1.5 The last date for submission of bid is 13-10-2020 up to 03:00 PM. Bidders should submit the original copy of EMD & Tender Fees Demand Draft in sealed covered envelop to the Director, Municipal Administration, communication address as mentioned in RFP.
1.6 A pre-bid conference will be held on 05-10-2020 at 03.00 pm. in the office of Director, Municipal Administration, Urban Development & Housing Department, FFP Building, 3rd floor, Dhurwa, Ranchi 834004 to address pre-bid queries submitted through email.
1.7 All tenders should be addressed to:
The Director, Municipal Administration, Urban Development & Housing Department, Government of Jharkhand and sent to the following address:
Director, Directorate Municipal Administration, 3rd Floor, FFP Building, Dhurwa , Pin No. 834004, Ranchi
Email : [email protected] Ph. no : 0651-2401955, 2401182(Fax)
1.8 The technical bid shall be opened on 14-10-2020 at 04.00 pm. before the duly constituted committee. The bidder or his authorized representative may remain present during the opening of such bid.
1.9 Tender will be submitted via online only; the department will not be responsible for delay.
1.10 On the date of opening, only Part-I (Technical Bid) will be opened. Part-II (Financial Bid) shall be opened subsequently only of those tenders, whose Technical Bid qualifies as per the laid norms of this tender.
1.11 Tenders received after due date and time will be rejected.
1.12 DMA reserves the right to reject any or all of the Proposals submitted in response to this Request for Proposal at any stage without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
1.13 DMA reserves the right to change /modify/alter/amend any or all of the provisions of this Request for Proposal.
1.14 DMA shall have no liability for non‐receipt of any communication from the firm to DMA and vice‐versa due to postal delays /network failure or otherwise.
1.15 The issue of this tender does not imply that DMA is bound to select the firms for awarding work for the programme and DMA reserves the right to reject all or any of the Proposals without assigning any reasons whatsoever.

Click below to Download RFP and Eligibility Criteria: