Inviting Proposals for undertaking projects under Skill Development in Handicrafts Sector Scheme during FY 2025-26:
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- The office of the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts), Ministry of Textiles, Government of India is implementing the Skill Development in Handicrafts Sector Scheme under National Handicrafts Development Program (NHDP).
- In this regard, this office is inviting proposals/applications from eligible agencies for the following activity: Guru Shishya Hastshilp Prashikshan Program (GSHPP). Interested eligible agencies are advised to study the scheme guidelines carefully and submit the proposals through online. For complete details of the above initiative, including details on financial parameters, funding pattern, eligibility criteria and other terms and conditions of the proposals, please refer to the scheme guidelines available on the website www.handicrafts.nic.in.
- Govt. Agencies/Corporation/NGOs/other eligible agencies must submit their proposals from 10.01.2025 to 07.02.2025 through MIS portal https://indian.handicrafts.gov.in/admin/en/users/login?redirect=%2Fadmin%2Fen in prescribed proforma. There are 200 programs proposed for the FY 2025-26. The craft proposed state wise is detailed in the prescribed list enclosed vide Annexure I with this letter. The preference will be given only for the crafts detailed in the list. The preference may be given to district where NGOs are register or neighboring districts only.
- The proposals sent earlier without any invitation or received after the last date of this notice and submitted directly to HQs will not be entertained. Incomplete proposals without the mandatory enclosures will also not be considered.
- All the clarifications or corrigendum/updates, if any, will be published in the abovementioned official websites only. The decision of the Office of Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) shall be final and this office reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal.

CLICK below button to DOWNLOAD Office Memorandum/Notification and Scheme Guidelines: