This has a reference to the KUSHAL YUVA PROGRAM (KYP) – BLOCK SKILL DEVELOPMENT CENTER (BSDC) REGISTRATION 2021 process on Bihar Skill Development Mission (BSDM) portal. At the onset we would like to invite you for being a part of the skilling ecosystem in Bihar.
Last date to Apply: 11th of July, 2021 at 11:59 pm
Click the below link to Apply:
• The KUSHAL YUVA PROGRAM (KYP) – BLOCK SKILL DEVELOPMENT CENTER (BSDC) REGISTRATION 2021 Process is due to commence on the 7th of July, 2021 at 10:00 am. The last date for entering into the registration process will be 11th of July, 2021 at 11:59 pm.
• The KYP-BSDC REGISTRATION 2021 process is a registration process opened for a specific set of BLOCK SKILL DEVELOPMENT CENTERS (BSDCs). The list of 46 BSDCs open for registration is provided as Annexure 1 for your reference.
– A google form-based initial registration for application analysis and selection.
– Center Registration process for the selected applicants.
• As a measure for enhanced scrutiny, the registration process will have an additional step upfront to declare the BSDC location to be chosen. Post this declaration BSDM will provide interim approval or rejection on the application in view of the prescribed norms /requirement based on only the desk appraisal due-diligence / analysis. Only if approved will the applicant be able to continue under the registration process.
• BSDM will use First-Come-First-Serve (FCFS) based on the timestamp of reaching the “Recommendation on BSDC interim selection By District Management Team (DMT)” stage to decide in case of multiple applications being made against one BSDC requirement.
• Also, all applicant organizations to note that they will be selected for a maximum of only 02 of the floated requirements across multiple BSDCs (if registered). In case an organization is first based on timestamp evaluation for more than 02 requirements across their different BSDCs (applied for) under this process they will finally be selected only for 02 requirements for which the timestamp of reaching the “Recommendation on BSDC interim selection By DMT” stage is earliest.
• The registration process will comprise of Organization’s / Enterprise’s / Proprietor’s registration (declaration, verification and approval of Organization / Enterprise / Proprietor level details such as Organization Name, Organization type, PAN, Bank Account, Ownership details, uploading of incorporation/registration certificate etc.) and Training centre registration (other centre related declarations) post interim approval for the selected applicants. The Organization details, PAN card, organization’s registration document and bank account details furnished in the Google form shall not be changed by the selected applicant while making similar declarations during training centre registration.
• The documentary requirements for an applicant organization as per organization /
enterprise types are as follows:
-For Proprietorship – Registration under (or applied for) Bihar Shops & Establishment Act
or Udyog Aadhar Registration, Individual Applicants PAN Card
-For Partnership – Registered Partnership Deed, Firm’s/Company’s PAN Card
-For Trust – Registration Certificate & Trust Deed, Trust’s PAN Card
-For Society – Registration Certificate and Rules & Regulations, Society’s PAN Card
-For Cooperative Society – Registration Certificate and Rules & Regulations, Cooperative
Society PAN Card
-For Public & Private Ltd. Co. – Certificate of Incorporation and Memorandum & Article of
Association, Public & Private Ltd. Co. PAN Card
-Government Entities not falling in any of the above categories – Letter from appropriate
authority – TAN of an entity or PAN Card of Authorized representative.
• Performance Guarantee (PG): An AO has to submit for each allotted BSDC, a Performance Guarantee of INR 50,000/- (Indian Rupees Fifty Thousand only) in the form of a Demand Draft drawn from a Scheduled Bank in favour of “Bihar Skill Development Mission” payable at Patna within 20 days of issuance of LOA. In case, the AO fails to submit the required PG for the allotted BSDC, then allotment of that BSDC or all the BSDC/s may be cancelled. The decision of CEO BSDM with respect to forfeiture of PG will be final and binding on the organization.
• At the time of application, the selected AO has to deposit INR 500 per centre as processing fee, INR 3000 per centre as centre registration fee and INR 1000 as course affiliation fee for each center. If the Applicant Organization (AO) wants to withdraw its application after the process has started or its application is rejected because of non- fulfilment of the required norms, then no refund shall be made.