For and on behalf of the Resource Support Agency (RSA), the Secretary, Textiles Committee, Mumbai invites online Request For Proposal (RFP) for “Empanelment of Training of Trainers (ToT) Agencies for Up-Skilling/Re-Skilling” under single bid system from registered and authorized agencies.
The Detailed RFP, relevant forms, its terms and conditions, list of documents etc. to be submitted can also be seen and downloaded from Textiles Committee website or at online portal i.e. free of cost.
The agencies who wish to apply for this work should fulfill the criteria mentioned in the said RFP. The detailed schedule for applying the RFP are as follows:-

Agencies with relevant experience and resources intended to be empanelled as Training of Trainers Agency with RSA may apply in the prescribed format which can be downloaded from
The last date for the receipt of the proposal is 17th December 2020.