National Minorities Development & Finance Corporation (NMDFC) invites, Expression of Interest (EoI)/ proposals for empanelment for imparting skill development/ vocational training for imparting training programmes under its “Kaushal se Kushalta Scheme” from Central/State Govt./UTs organizations, company registered under companies Act, registered societies, registered non Govt. organizations .
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The preference will be given to the organizations registered/empanelled with National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), State Skill Mission/skill development department of respective State Govt/UTs/Niti Aayog.
The Kaushal Se Kushalta Scheme of NMDFC aims at imparting skills to the targeted individual beneficiaries leading to self/wage employment. The scheme is implemented through the State Channelising Agencies, project implementing agencies which organize need-based skill development training in their States with the help of agencies empanelled by NSDC/ related Sector Skill Council/ State Skill Mission/ Directorate of Technical Education. Preferably be accredited through NSDC SMART portal.
Objective and features of Skill Development Training:
The basic objective of this RFP/EOI for selection of reputed organisations/industry pioneers as “Training Partner” for NMDFC is to set up Short term skill training for imparting skills to minority youths.
Target Group:
The objective of this Scheme is to encourage and promote Skill Development for the youth belonging to minority communities throughout the country. The Scheme aims to:
a. Enable and mobilize a large number of Minority youths to take up industry-designed quality skill training, become employable and earn a respectable livelihood.
b. To provide skill training for generating better livelihood for marginalized minorities and align them in the mainstream, with preference given to the women and persons engaged in traditional occupations.
c. Ensure at least 70% placements of trained candidates including wage employment and self-employment.
The Curriculum of the training programmes will be as per NSQF norms/guidelines.
Period of Training:
The duration of the training programmes will be maximum upto six months or 600 hours.
Training Cost:
The training cost will be as per Common Cost Norms (CCN) for NSQF job roles as notified by the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Govt. of India on time to time.
Other Expenses:
i. The trainees will be paid stipend @ Rs.1000/- per month for maximum duration upto six months.
ii. The assessment fees would be regulated and payable as per the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Skill Development from time to time.
iii. No other expenses will be admissible.
The SCAs/PIA have to ensure placement of at least 70% trainees in wage employment / self-employment. Placement should be made within 3 months of completion of training with at least 50% of the trainees passing out being placed in wage employment.
The SCA should encourage and give preference to trainees by extending loan for starting self-employment venture.
Eligibility norms for Agencies/Training Institutes:
The scheme will be implemented through the following Project Implementing Agencies (PIAs):
i. Central/State Govt./UTs organizations, company registered under companies Act, registered societies, registered non Govt. organizations and registered/empanelled with National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), State Skill Mission/skill development department of respective State Govt/UTs.
ii. Institutions/organizations should be registered on the portal of NITI Aayog NGO Darpan Portal.
iii. Preference would be given to those organizations having atleast 3 years work experience in skill training have been assessed and verified by any body under Ministry of Skill Development and entrepreneurship with respect to capacity, infrastructure etc.
The organizations who have executed work of any skill training under the Central/ State or UT Government, including Public Sector Undertakings/Enterprises, autonomous/subordinate organizations under the Central/ State or UT Government will be given due weightage.
Performance Guarantee:
The PIAs will be required to furnish a bank guarantee (amounting to 5% of the 1st instalment) before release of the 1st installment
Submission of EOI:
The applicants interested in carrying out the training under “Kaushal Se Kushalta Scheme” should submit the application by post in the prescribed format with all supporting documents to the:
Assistant General Manager (Skill Development)
National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (NMDFC),
Scope Minar, Core-1, 1st Floor
Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-110092
Proposals should be submitted offline to the NMDFC, at its registered office. The last date of submission of proposal is 14.02.2022 by 5:00 p.m.
It may be noted that Proposal should be duly signed by President/ Secretary/ CEO/Head of Institution/organization or authorized person by the organization. Incomplete proposals will be rejected without any notice. Each PIA must submit a single proposal.
For detailed RFP and Guidelines, click the below links: