The Karnataka Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board, Bengaluru (KBOCWWB) invites proposals from reputed and experienced companies to participate in online competitive bidding process of e-Tender for the appointment of Empanelment of Training Service providers for RPL Training of the Registered Construction Workers of the Karnataka Building and Other Construction Workers and Their Dependents in Various Districts in Karnataka
The KBOCWWB, Bengaluru deals with welfare of various types of Construction Workers in Karnataka. KBOCWWB Board intends to provide RPL Training to 1,00,000 registered workers across Karnataka during the FY 2020-21.
The complete bidding document has been published on for the purpose of downloading. The downloaded bidding document shall be considered valid for participation in the electronic bidding process (e-Tendering) subject to the submission of required e-Tender/ bidding document fee.
Please note that the interested parties will have to access the website and get themselves registered so as to enable them to participate in the e-Tendering process before due date.
Bidders are also advised to refer “Bidders Manual Kit” available at further details about the e-Tendering process.
Pre-Bid meeting will be held on Date: 11-08-2020, Time: 11.30 AM at The Office Of “The Secretary, Karnataka Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board, Kalyana Suraksha Bhavan, Bannerghatta Road, ITI Compound, Dairy Circle, Bengaluru- 560029”, for any suggestions or doubts regarding the e-Tender.
The minutes of the Pre-Bid meeting will be published if there is a need of publishing them online. KBOCWWB will not be bound to furnish any answers thereafter. All the terms and conditions mentioned in the e-Tender application are binding on Bidder
For any technical related queries please call at 24 x 7 Help Desk Number :
+91-8046010000 +91-8022631200

Job Roles under the RPL Training

Download Empanelment Tender | Download Eligibility & Marking Criteria
Last Date: 28-08-2020 up to 5.00 PM