Office of the State Mission Director, DAY-NULM, Assam (Assam State Urban Livelihoods Mission Society) invites “Expression of Interest” from eligible RSETI, NIESBUD, Ni-MSME, EDI, NCVET recognized institutions/bodies for conducting Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP) training for 3 days, targeting both individual and group entrepreneurs & SHG/ALF/CLF members.
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Eligibility & Qualification Criteria
For Tender Preparation support or for any query please call SKILLSPEDIA.IN @ 702-47-48-999
1. To participate in this EoI, the Agency must be a single/joint venture entity having a formal intent and legal competency to enter into an agreement or contract and are registered under respective Act and Jurisdiction in India. The agency must be RSETI, NIESBUD, Ni-MSME, EDI, NCVET recognized institutions/bodies.
2. The Agency should have a minimum 5 (Five)years of experience in providing training, out of which at least 3 (three) year in similar EDP related trainings, in India for and on behalf of government or international agencies.
3. The Agency must specify the locations (ULBs) where the EDP training may be conducted by them. Against each location name and details of the trainer must also be mentioned.
4. Total Average Annual Turnover of the Agency in last three financial years (i.e., 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23) from operation should not be less than Rs. 100.00 Lakh (Rupees One Hundred lakhs only). The average annual turnover certificate as issued by the Auditor/Chartered Accountant should be submitted in the format enclosed as Annexure 3 of this EoI document. The Certificate must be accompanied by attested copies of audited Statement of Accounts of last three financial years (i.e. 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23).
Link for Online Submission of Proposal: https://assamtenders.gov.in
Address for Submission (Hardcopies):
Office of the State Mission Director
DAY-NULM, Assam (Assam State Urban Livelihoods Mission Society)
Dr. RP Road, Opp. Ganesh Mandir, Dispur
City: Guwahati
State: Assam.
To download the detailed EOI click the below link: