Odisha Skill Development Authority (OSDA) has invited EOI for Empanelment of Training Partners for Placement Linked Training Program (PLTP).
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Proposals shall be accepted year-round and will be reviewed in a phased approach. Applicants may submit their proposals between the 1st to 15th of each month, after which they will be screened on a periodic basis.
Online proposals are to be submitted from1st to 7th of each month on the following link (https://skillodisha.gov.in/become-a-partner/Proposal) while the hardcopies are to be submitted by the 15th of the same month. Applicants are to submit both online and hardcopies of the proposal. The hardcopies of the proposal can be sent on the address mentioned in section 3.3 of this document.

To read detailed selection criteria, eligibility criteria and application format, click the below button: