Maharashtra State Skill Development Society (MSSDS) invites for Empanelment & Selection of Training Providers Under for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Component Under Pramod Mahajan Kaushal Uddhyokta Vikas Abhiyan (PMKUVA).
RPL enables Indian youth to obtain industry-relevant skill certification. Individuals with prior learning experience or skills can register themselves and get assessed and certified under the RPL component of the scheme. RPL mainly focuses on the individuals engaged in unregulated sectors.
The duration of the training / orientation under RPL ranges between 12-80 hours. MSSDS functioning under the Skill Development, Employment and Entrepreneurship Department, Government of Maharashtra and MSSDS is the nodal agency for various skill development initiatives across the State.
To actively contribute to existing skill development in India by establishing an outcome-driven implementation framework which evaluates and recognizes skills and knowledge acquired outside the classroom (informal learning or learning through work), helps people acquire a formal qualification that matches their knowledge and skills, and if required up-skills /re-skills (through bridge courses) and thereby contributes to improving their employability, lifelong learning, social inclusion, and self-esteem.
To align the competencies of the pre-existing workforce of the country to the standardized National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF).
To enhance the employability and / or entrepreneurial opportunities of an individual, and
To provide opportunities for reducing inequalities based on privileging certain forms of knowledge over others.
Project Types in RPL:
a. RPL Type 1(Camps)
b. RPL Type 2 (Employer Premises)
c. RPL Type 3 (RPL at Training Centers)
MSSDS has the mandate to implement the RPL component under Pramod Mahajan Kaushalya V Udyojakata Vikas Abhiyan (PMKUVA) by empaneling the training partners.
MSSDS being a State level Nodal Agency for implementing skilling initiatives, is expectedto ensure achievement of overall scheme goals and objectives that with respect to the key indicators and processes. Empanelment of Training Partners is one of the significant aspects for the smooth and seamless mplementation of the Scheme.
In view of the above, MSSDS by way of this EOI, invites application from Prospective Applicants, for engaging an independent Training Partners (TP) herein referred to as ‘Applicants’ for implementation of RPL under PMKUVA scheme in the State.
Schedule for EOI

All the organizations (private training partners, corporates, and Government-affiliated centres) who are willing to impart RPL training programme in accordance with prescribed norms of RPL PMKUVA guidelines are eligible to apply.
Interested parties may submit their EoI as mentioned in the above schedule along with a online payment of Rs. 5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand Only) as non- refundable processing charges irrespective of the number of proposed training centre (‘s). Late submission will not be entertained.
Empaneled training partner shall follow Accreditation, Affiliation & Continuous Monitoring of Training Centres for the Skills Ecosystem, Branding and Communication Guidelines for program implementation as per the defined norms/criteria in PMKUVA -RPL.
Joint Ventures (JVs)/Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs)/Consortiums/Franchise Centres are not permitted to respond to this EOI.
Training Partner (TP) shall be responsible for training centers resources, setup, trainers, assistance for trainee mobilization, training etc. activities as per the prescribed guidelines of RPL under PMKUVA. Any amendments in the guideline or processing manual shall be applicable and binding to the successful training partner.
TPs shall have to inaugurate RPL training in the presence of MP/ local MLA/ Dignitaries and State Government Officials (wherever possible).
Registration of students and batch formation to be done in consultation with MSSDS as per RPL guideline and shall abide all rules & regulations laid down by MSSDS.
Trainers should match education qualification & experience criteria as mention in Model Curriculum of job role and/or as desired by SSC guideline. Assessment and Certification of trainer with respective SSC is mandatory for imparting training under RPL.
MSSDS reserves the right to withdraw this EoI, without assigning any reasons for the same, if MSSDS determines that such action is in the best interest of the Scheme.
All eligible applicants need to be registered on https://mahatenders.gov.in to generate login credentials and to download the EoI document for online proposal preparation etc.
The EoI submitted by the applicant shall remain valid for a period of 120 days after the closing date for submission of EoI prescribed in this document. EoI validity expressed for less than 120 days shall be rejected.
At any time prior to deadline for submission of EoI; MSSDS may modify the EoI document. The amended document shall be notified through website and such amendments shall be binding on the applicants.
MSSDS may at its sole discretion and at any time during the evaluation of EOI, disqualify any applicant, if the applicant has made misleading or false representations in the forms, statements and attachments submitted in proof of the eligibility requirements.
MSSDS shall have all the rights to disqualify the application during the evaluation of EoI if:
a. Submitted an EoI without required documentation;
b. Use of modified formats for submission;
c. Blacklisted by State/UT/Central Government or any Public Sector Undertaking under them;
d. Been in litigation with any Government agencies/institutions in India;
e. Processing fee in the form of online of Rs.5,000/- in the favor of MSSDS, not paid with the proposal.
Applicants should have valid Class II / III Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) obtained from
any Certifying Authorities.
Link to submit the proposal: https://mahatenders.gov.in
Processing Fee: Rs. 5000/- (Non-refundable) to be paid online
Earnest Money Deposit: Rs. 1,00,000/- (Refundable) to be paid online
For any Technical Discrepancy/error on https://mahatenders.gov.in prospective applicants is requested to contact the below nodal person:-
Name – Ravi Patil
Designation – Addl. Chief Executive Officer and Mission Coordinator
Contact No. – 022- 22625651/53
Email – [email protected] / [email protected]