EdCIL (India) Ltd., Uttar Pradesh invites Expression of Interest (EoI) from the interested parties in India for “Empanelment of Training Service Providers to Impart Skill DevelopmenTraining.”. Last Date 04-10-2021
EoI Processing Fees: Rs. 25,000.00 (non-refundable) shall be submitted in form of demand draft drawn on any scheduled bank in favor of ‘EdCIL (India) Limited’, payable at Noida along with the EoI Response. In absence of adequate EoI processing fees paid, the responses received shall not be considered.
Sealed envelope, containing response to the EOI along with the copies of supporting documents shall be submitted through post or courier to the address given below mentioning “EOI for Empanelment of Training Service Providers to Impart Skill Development Training” on the top of the cover:
Chief General Manager (Skill Development)
EdCIL (India) Limited, 18 A, Sector-16A,
Noida-201 301 Uttar Pradesh
The applicant is requested to submit any queries in writing by email. The email shall be addressed to CGM (SD) at the email id: [email protected] by 28.09.2021 up to 15.00 Hrs. (Mention Email Subject: EoI for Empanelment of TSPs).

To download the detailed EOI, click below link: