Haryana Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board ( hereinafter called “HBOCWWB” or “Board”) is inviting proposal for the scope of work mentioned herein through this Expression of Interest (EOI).
The bids are invited under two-stage bid system i.e. Expression of Interest (EoI) followed by Request for Proposal (RFP) for engaging a Skill Training Provider (TP) to impart skill training and RPL to the construction workers and their dependants. The bids are to be submitted by the companies/agencies dealing in skill development, only through e-tendering.
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Tender Fee: Rs. 1,180/-
EMD: Rs. 2,00,000/-
Last Date: 04/04/2022
Link for submission: https://etenders.hry.nic.in
The Bidders can submit their EOI bids documents only on https://etenders.hry.nic.in as per the dates mentioned in the key dates:
Summary of Key Dates:

The EoI documents can be downloaded free of cost from the portal e-Procurement system https://etenders.hry.nic.in or www.hrylabour.gov.in , on or before 04/04/2022 up to 05:00 PM in addition to online bid submission as per the instructions given in the EoI documents.
Scope of Work:
HBOCWWB invites bids to this Expression of Interest for the selection of Skill Training Provider (TP) to implement its Construction Worker Skill Development Programme in the State of Haryana for the registered Building and Other Construction workers for:
i. Skill Training, and
ii. RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning)
The engagement of TP initially will be for a period of three-years and may be extended for two years, subject to satisfactory performance of the TP. Also, if necessary the same programme shall be implemented by the Labour Department and Labour Welfare Board.
At the end of the course, third-party assessment shall be carried out and certificates shall be provided/submitted by the bidder which shall be issued by Assessment Bodyas per guidelines.
The broad Scope of work includes but not restricted to the following:-
a) The selected agency(ies) will have to undertake the assignment as and when allotted by Department/Boards
b) Conducting Impact assessment studies/Tracer studies on skill-based training
c) To prepare the mobilization plan in such a manner that the training targets are completed in a specified time
d) Getting all statutory clearances from the concerned authority.
e) Setting up necessary infrastructure at the training centers along with all the required lab equipment for practical training, projector, Laptop for multimedia classes as per the project requirement according to the government guidelines.
f) Delivery of theory, practical and tutorial for the courses as per Qualification Packs (QPs).
g) To arrange trainers in the required Qualification Packs/ Job Roles
h) To collect all required documents from the mobilized candidates as per the programme guideline and maintain the database of the trainees and monitor their placement.
i) Registration of candidates, attendance, including uploading on relevant websites and CCTV and out center validation work.
j) Payment of Assessment Fee to third party
k) Administrative work involved with labour Department / Boards, Government agencies/Depts. and assessment agencies for smooth conduct of the training and assessment of the candidate.
l) Branding of Training Center as per the scheme requirement.
m) The selected agency should identify& set up Training/ Skill Centers / as per requirement in other districts/ locations and maintain them on their own cost.
n) Agency is expected to provide candidates all possible information on the nature of work in the sector/ trade, availability of jobs, potential pay and entitlements, growth prospects and risks involved, with the aim of helping candidates and their families.
o) The Agency shall be responsible for the coordination of all aspects of the training including centre readiness, quality of training delivery, assessment and certification, and outcomes required from the training.
p) All records including but not limited to those pertaining to attendance, class progress, assessment, certification, and training outcomes must be maintained.
Eligibility Criteria – SKILL TRAINING

Eligibility Criteria – RPL

To download the EOI click below link: