Expression of Interest (EOI) has been invited by District Administration Palamu District, Jharkhand for Aarogya Sahiya Innovative Skill Enhancement Cum Training for 814 Sahiya (ASHA Worker) in Palamu District, Jharkhand.
This project seeks to enhance the Technical Capabilities of Sahiya (ASHA Worker) on Curative and Emergency Health Services.
At present, Sahiyas (ASHA Workers) are capable and trained on providing Preventive Healthcare Services, however, a dearth of Doctors, Nurses and Paramedics and Remoteness of an Area are hindrances in smooth (unrestricted) Clinical Service Delivery.
To ensure the clinical assistance and identifying the emergency medic situation, Sahiya (ASHA Worker) can play a vital role being “First Contact Clinical Assessor” of the patient. Sahiya (ASHA Worker) can be trained for using technology equipment to assess the critical emergency and referral condition of the patient. Aarogya Sahiya (ASHA Worker) Project is to be implemented in 8 Blocks of Palamu.

Key Details

Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): INR 2,00,000/- (Re-fundable) in the form of DD, in favour of Deputy Commissioner, Palamu.
Last Date for Submission: 7th September 2020, till 1.00 PM
To Download detailed Expression of Interest (EOI) and Application click below link: