Online Proposal Invited by Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (CED) (A Government of Gujarat Organization) for Empanelment of Training Partners (TPs) for Skill Development Schemes Implemented by CED.
CED is implementing Skill Development Schemes under Scheme for Enhancement of Technical Competence & Manpower under Gujarat Industrial policy 2020 and GR issued by Govt. of Gujarat, Industries and Mines Department Resolution No. MIS- l 02020-328011-1 dated 01/09/2020.
CED invites proposals under different 6 skill development schemes (Anchor Institute, Short Term Bridge Courses, Specialized Skill Development Centers, Skill Up-gradation Centers, MSME up-skilling, and Tuition Fees reimbursement) online from Dt: 01- 04-2021, 12:00 noon to Dt: 15-05-2021, 05:00 pm.
Kindly visit CED MIS portal https://cedmis.gujarat.gov.in/cedmis/guestuserregister.aspx for online application (mandatory) under various schemes.
Last date for online application is 15/05/2021 upto 5.00 PM