CED is implementing Skill Development Schemes under “Scheme for Enhancement of Technical Competence & Manpower” as per provisions of Government Resolution No. MIS- l 02020-328011-I
dated 01/09/2020, under Gujarat Industrial Policy, 2020.
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CED invites online proposals under 6 skill development schemes (Anchor Institute, Short Term Bridge Courses, Specialized Skill Development Centers, Skill Up-gradation Centers, Skill Development to MSME Sector, and Assistance for Tuition Fees for Enhancement of Skill) within the period from 01- 04-2022, 12:00 Noon to 30-04-2022, 05:00 PM. Blacklisted organization is not eligible.
Kindly visit CED MIS portal https://cedmis.gujarat.gov.in/cedmis/guestuserregister.aspx for online application (mandatory) under various schemes.