Mahatma JyotibaPhule Research & Training Institute (MAHAJYOTI), Nagpur is an An Autonomous Institute of The Other Backward Class Bahujan Welfare Department, Govt. of Maharashtra, working towards enhancing livelihood opportunities through skill development and other means of the Other Backward Class (OBC), VimkutaJati and Nomadic Tribes (VJNT) and Special Backward Class (SBC) youths of Maharashtra.
The Mahatma JyotibaPhule Research and Training Institute (Mahajyoti) was established on August 8, 2019 for the all-round sustainable development of the Other Backward Classes,Deprived Castes and Nomadic Tribes and Special Backward Classes.
Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Research and Training Institute (MAHAJYOTI), Nagpur is inviting Technical Proposals/ Bid to Empanel Agencies / Organizations/ Institutes located in Maharashtra (duly registered /established in India under relevant acts and rules) in the competitive bidding process (One bid- Technical Proposal/Bid) for providing Skill Development Training to the Target Group of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Research and Training Institute (MAHAJYOTI), Nagpur.
This RFP Document is being published by Mahatma JyotibaPhule Research & Training Institute, Nagpur (MAHAJYOTI) for inviting technical proposals / bids to empanel /Agencies / organizations/ firms / institutes / companies (duly registered / established in India under relevant acts and rules) for providing skill development training to the OBC, VJNT and SBC youths of Maharashtra.
The complete bidding document is available on the website of Govt. of Maharashtra https://mahatenders.gov.in for the purpose of downloading. The downloaded bidding document shall be considered valid for participation in the electronic bidding process (eTendering) subject to the submission of required tender/ bidding document fee and EMD. Bidders who wish to participate in this bidding process must follow the guidelines specified in this document.
- Envelop selection procedure shall be adopted for Technical criteria.
- To participate in online bidding process, Bidders must procure a Digital Signature Certificate (Class – III) as per Information Technology Act-2000 using which they can digitally sign and encrypt their electronic bids. In case of any difficulties to enroll or to obtain digital certificate, bidders should contact 0120-4001002, 0120-4001005, 01206277787.
- MAHAJYOTI will not be responsible for delay in submission due to any reason. For this bidders are requested to upload the complete bid proposal well in time so as to avoid issues like slow speed, heavy traffic or any other unforeseen problem.
Important Dates / Information

Other Important Information Related to Bid

About this RFP
Through this RFP, MAHAJYOTI seeks to empanel firms for undertaking skill development training programs for OBC, VJNT and SBC youth in Maharashtra. MAHAJYOTI Skill Development Training Program (SDTP) will try to bridge the gap between incremental manpower requirement by companies or industries in Maharashtra by identifying certain job roles which are high in demand.
The vision of the RFP implementation approach is to increase the capacity and capability of the scheme to deliver quality skill training and placement to the youth of OBC, VJNT and SBC of Maharashtra State and thus meet the growing demand for skilled human capital in various economic sectors.
Last Date: 12/03/2021 upto 5.00 PM
To download detailed RFP, Eligibility and Evaluation Criteria click below link: