This RFP is being rolled out to meet the unmet demand in Fresh Skilling (Component 1 of the Customized Crash Course Programme mentioned below). The allocation will be done as per district and job role demand.
JHARKHAND SKILL DEVELOPMENT MISSION SOCIETY (JSDMS) invites “Request for Proposal (RFP)‟ from the interested PIAs/ TPs for submission of Proposal for conducting Skill Development Training under PMKVY State component of PMKVY 3.0 during FY 2021-22.
The following entities are eligible for submitting proposals. Any legal entity such as Government organizations/ institutions, private companies/ organizations or hospitals registered under Trust, Societies, Industrial associations, Cooperatives, etc. who have prior experience in Skilling health workers and already have or applied for SMART accredited Training Centre for Health Sector Job Roles.
The Applicant/s are expected to apprise themselves and follow the following guidelines, and amendments thereof which can be referred vide links provided below:
Customized Crash Course Programme under PMKVY 3.0 guidelines:
PMKVY 3.0 Guidelines:
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare: (https://www.pmkvyofficial.org/App_Documents/News/2909_NSDC_Guidlines_5_10_12.pdf) and
Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship guidelines on opening TCs:
Key features:
The major steps involved in the selection of Training Providers in the project mode as per this RFP are summarized below:
- No organization is being asked to set up a new center for the purpose of this RFP. NSDC does not guarantee target allocation to any organization applying through this RFP.
- Eligible Institutions and organizations are invited to submit proposals for allocation of targets through this RFP. The applications will be accepted only during a fixed time period.
- This RFP is only inviting proposals for fresh skilling (Component 1 of Crash Course Guidelines)
- Each applicant organization (“Applicant”) will have to register on an online portal.
- Each Applicant can submit proposal for multiple proposed centers. Each training center proposed by an Applicant should contain the details of state and district with job roles in which the Applicant wishes to conduct trainings.
- After the date of receiving applications is over, all applications will be evaluated as per the evaluation criteria.
- The Training Providers with sector experience, skilling experience and available infrastructure etc. have been encouraged and given weightage.
- Professional bodies in health sector like Hospitals, labs, original equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) will be encouraged to participate and given weightage.
- The proposals of the TPs would be evaluated on quantitative parameters, which have been detailed in this document and scoring matrix given at Annexure II.
- Based on the evaluation criteria and scoring matrix, upon successful selection of the Training Provider, targets will be allocated to the Applicant according to the target allocation methodology.
- Due Diligence will be taken up for the shortlisted / eligible Applicants for the selection and thereafter for target allocation.
- Post Approval by competent authority, the successful Applicants may be intimated and invited for signing of an Agreement/ issued a Sanction order.
- Post the selection and thereafter allocation of targets, the Applicants can start training in proposed centers only after successful accreditation and affiliation of each training centre (https://smart.nsdcindia.org/img/Centre%20Accreditation%20&%20Affiliation%20Guidelines%20Version%201.0.pdf ) and availability of ToT certified trainers. PMKVY 3.0 guidelines would be followed.
- The performance of the Training Providers allocated with targets would be monitored for quality aspect of Training, placement and other factors.
- Those already allocated targets in the programme will be considered based on the existing performance and those with unsatisfactory performance may be removed from the allocation process.
- The Scheme does not allow franchising/ consortium/ Subcontracting.
- The tenure of the empanelment shall be for a period of maximum one FY year from the date of empanelment, with the empanelment status being renewed every year on the basis of:
i. the TSP continuing to meet the eligibility and qualifications criteria as required by the prevailing conditions for empanelment, or as may be amended by JSDMS from time to time; and
ii. the performance of the TSP under the PMKVY program post empanelment process. Various factors may be considered for the performance review.
iii. At the time of empanelment renewal, documentary support for eligibility qualifications and credentials must be furnished to JSDMS as requested.
iv. The tenure of the empanelment under the scheme may be further extended by JSDMS on a case to case basis subject to overall performance of TSP, provided the scheme continues to exist.
Training components:
The training will be conducted on customized crash courses in identified six (06) job roles (as mentioned below). The training duration will be of approximately 21-days* of theory-based classroom training followed by approximately 90 days On-the-Job Training (OJT) in healthcare facility such as Primary Health Centres, hospitals, diagnostic facility, sample collection centre, etc.
This training would include two assessments – one after the classroom training and another after completion of OJT, followed by certification of trainee for the crash course and the same shall be undertaken by Health Care Sector Skill Council(HSSC) in accordance with key roles and responsibilities identified in Guidelines.
*Actual days of training will be number of hours of the job role as per Table 1 @ 9 hours per day.
Based on the recommendations of Health Sector Skill Council (“HSSC”), training would be imparted in customized six job roles namely:
i. COVID Frontline Worker (Home Care Support)
ii. COVID Frontline Worker (Basic Care Support)
iii. COVID Frontline Worker (Advanced Care Support)
iv. COVID Frontline Worker (Emergency Care Support)
v. COVID Frontline Worker (Sample Collection Support)
vi. COVID Frontline Worker (Medical Equipment Support)
As COVID healthcare management requires extensive data management, therefore the course content for the job role of ‘Medical Record Assistance (MRA)’ has been embedded in the course content of all six job roles.

Classification of Applicants:
Target allocation through RFP route would involve the below categories organizations:
- Healthcare facilities – Hospitals, labs, Associations, Original Equipment Manufacturers, etc.
- Training Providers with PMKVY 2018-21 engagement
- Training Provider recommended by the DSC/Healthcare Sector Skill Council
- Other Organizations, who are not categorized in these three categories but are eligible.
The below process would be followed for selection and allocation of targets under RFP:

The applications for the RFP would be received offline where interested and eligible organizations can submit proposals. Subsequently as the third step the Applicant is required to provide necessary
information such as past skilling experience, health care sector experience, A&A status, ToT status, and others.
The Applicant organizations would be required to submit necessary documents to support the RFP on JSDMS portal.
Last Date to submit the hard copy of proposal: 21/09/2021