Office of the State Mission Director, DAY-NULM, ASSAM invites Request for Proposal for Engagement Of Training Partners For Imparting Skill Trainings Under Employment Through Skill Training & Placement (EST&P) Component of DAY-NULM.
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Last Date: 30-01-2023 up to 3.00 PM
EMD: Rs. 1,00,000/- in the form of Bank Guarantee/Fixed deposit receipt in favour of of “Assam State Urban Livelihoods Mission Society” payable at Guwahati.
Last date for the Submission of Pre- Bid Queries : 13.01.2023 at 12:00 noon
Purpose of RFP:
The purpose of this RFP is to seek participation of eligible organizations in the Employment through Skill Training & Placement (EST&P) component of Deendayal Antyodaya Yojna-National Urban Livelihood Mission (DAY-NULM) program of the Government of India, and to this end, engage such organizations at the State level as Training Providers (TPs) to organize skill training and placement program across Assam (ULBs) as per the term of reference (TOR) given in this RFP document/NULM guidelines.
• Target ULB: All ULBs of Assam under DAY-NULM
• Target Tentative: 5000 nos.
• Types of Training – Both residential & non-residential
Scope of Work:
To train and place tentatively 5000 eligible candidates from amongst the urban poor families in the ULBs of Assam. Maximum no. of 30 candidates will be allocated against each SMART Accredited below job-roles:
Job-roles for which 5000 eligible candidates are to be trained in SMART Accredited TCs:


Eligible Organizations
The Training Partner should compulsory be an independent legal entity in India of the below mentioned forms and has Registered and Corporate Offices in the state of Assam. Documents of the same needs to be submitted along with PAN.
• Proprietorship Firm—Registered under Assam Shops & Establishment Act 1971
• Society—Society Registration Certificate
• Trust –Registration Certificate & Trust Deed
• Cooperative Society-Registration Certificate and Rules & Regulations
• Partnership Firm-Registered Partnership Deed
• Company-Certificate of Incorporation and Memorandum & Article of Association
• Any other legal entity with its Registered and Corporate Offices in the state of Assam
• Blacklisted organizations across the nation or those not meeting the above criteria will be ineligible to apply.
Technical Evaluation Matrix

*Supporting documents are required for all the above 6 points.
- Qualified bidders shall be considered for engagement, only when SMART Accredited Certificate & ToT certification is compulsorily available.
- If the no. of qualified Training Centers exceeds the target available, then TP’s carrying minimum qualified marks, 3 star rated Training Centre’s and having lesser placement percentage under DAY-NULM, Assam for the previously allocated targets, will be allocated lesser targets or no targets, whichever is feasible.
- 5 star rated Training Centre’s and TP’s having higher placement percentage under DAY-NULM, Assam will be given added advantage of allocating higher targets subject to max. 60 nos. per job-role, if feasible.
To read detailed RFP click the below button: