Uttar Pradesh Skill Development Mission is implementing the UP Skill Development Programme in mission mode with a target of training the youth of Uttar Pradesh in short-term vocational trades. This RFE is for empaneling Startups as Private Training providers for a period of contract which would initially be for One financial year excluding the financial year in which the contract is signed.
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The currency of the contract would be extendable for a period as mutually agreed upon by the UPSDM and the concerned Startup Training Provider on the basis of satisfactory performance of the latter. However, the non satisfactory performance of any Startup Training Provider may result in immediate termination of the agreement
The last date for submission of proposals against the instant RFE- 23 is 06.02.2023 up to 17:00 Hrs only. No proposal would be entertain after the above date and time for any reason whatsoever.
Cost of RFE: Rs. 5,000/- (non-refundable) to be submitted online in Mission’s account.
EMD: Rs. 50,000/- in the form of Demand Draft / Banker’s Cheque in favour of “Uttar Pradesh Skill Development Society” payable at “Lucknow”.
Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG):
Category A– If the target demand up to 500 Trainees, need to submit PBG of Rs.50 Lakh
Category B– If the target demand up to 250 Trainees, need to submit PBG of Rs.25 Lakh
Districts and Sectors:
All U.P. However, a Startup may submit the proposal only for one particular district and may open two centres in the given district. The Startup would be allowed to take up training in any two job roles approved by the concerned Sector Skill Councils, Awarding Bodies and NCVET.
Architecture and Strategy for Programme Implementation
1. Startup Training Provider means:
An agency will be considered as Startup Training Provider if:
Agency have 2 years of working experience in skilling & Education, at least 25 lakhs of the turnover, and a registered office in Uttar Pradesh.
2. The Programme would target to train and provide gainful employment to the trained candidates.
3. UPSDM plans to engage Startups Training Providers (STPs) through this RFE who would act as the Implementing Agencies for the programme by providing training and employment to the trainees.
4. The Startups as Startups Training Providers (STPs) would be responsible for candidates mobilization, training, placement and post placement tracking under the overall supervision of UPSDM as per of the relevant guidelines.
5. UPSDM shall continually monitor program performance as per the it’s monitoring & evaluation framework. The Monitoring and Evaluation of the programme shall be through online Management Information System (MIS), developed and deployed by the UPSDM.
Eligible Organizations
1. A private limited company (under the companies Act 2013)/Registered Partnership Firm (under the Indian Partnership Act 1932) or Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) (under the limited liability partnership Act 2002)/Proprietorship firm/ Trust/ Society registered less than 10 year prior to the date of submission of proposal with the legally competent authority.
i. Certificate of Incorporation is mandatory and needs to be submitted.
2. Financial capability
a) Should have turnover of minimum INR 25 Lakh in the FY 2021- 22 from the activity which the concerned Startup Training Provider is registered in. The applicant organization must submit audited P&L account/ income statement and respect to the above that may certain the turnover and the source of the receipts.
3. Technical Capability
a. The applicant organization should have either owned or rented premises for training. In case of rented premises copy of the rent agreement on stamp paper is required. If the premises is owned by the applicant organization, the better is to submit a proof of ownership.
b. The applicant organization should have requisite training infrastructure for the preferred job roles as per the standards prescribed by the Sector Skill Council. The infrastructure includes availability of lab equipment for the select job roles as well as the other requisites with regard to class rooms of prescribed specifications for theory classes and laboratories for practical training.
c. The applicant organizations should have ToT certified trainers on their roles for the select job roles. The CVs of the trainers with the ToT certificate are required to be appended with the proposal.
d. Applicant organization should not be blacklisted as on date of the submission of proposal.
e. Only NSQF aligned job roles would be permitted to choose for training.
Scoring Matrix

Only those proposals would qualify for empanelment that secure minimum 35 marks against the above aggregate of 50.
Payment Terms
In case of residential /Non- residential training and the batches constituted under batch mode:-
Training cost payment would be made as per the following in three installments as per following norms:-

The UPSDM would allocate the targets to the Startup Training Provider every year with a no. of 500 per annum. TPs would requested for additional target.
To download detailed RFE, click the below button: