APMSME-DC invites proposals (the “Proposals”) for selection of consultant(s) (collectively the “Consultancy”) who will be responsible for Conducting Entrepreneurship-cum Skill Development Programmes (ESDPs) under Raising and Accelerating MSME Performance (RAMP) Scheme in Andhra Pradesh. Further, the Consultant(s) shall perform its tasks under this assignment in accordance with the Terms of Reference specified at Schedule-I (the “TOR”) and handhold APMSME-DC (the “Employer”) during these training sessions.
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Technical Capacity:
The Applicant shall have completed Eligible Assignment(s) as specified in following. The technical experience mentioned herein is the minimum eligibility criteria for completed projects for any Applicant. Over and above the credentials submitted towards meeting the minimum eligibility criteria, the Applicant may submit additional completed/ ongoing projects for claiming the Technical Capacity in accordance with Clause 3.1.3 of the RFP document.
I. The applicant should be a registered legal entity in India and should have at least 2 years of existence as on RFP Publishing date. (Documents to be submitted: Copy of Certificate of Incorporation/ Registration, Copy of PAN, Copy of GST)
II. The applicant should preferably be an active NSDC partnered/ empanelled agency or MoMSME partnered agency or any government agency or Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) agency or any Central Government Partnered agency for implementing Entrepreneurship and Skill Development training programs. (Documents to be submitted: Copy of valid partnership deed, empanelment letter/RoC for government &PSUs/order with clearly indicating the validity period)
III. The applicant should have successfully executed at least 3 projects related to Entrepreneurship, skill development/training (physical classroom) with any state/ central Govt. departments/ organizations during the last three (3) financial years, FY 202021, 2021-22, and 2022-23.
(Documents to be submitted: Copy of work orders/ project competition certificates/ payment confirmations issued by the sanctioning authority along with the format given in Annexures to the RFP)
IV. The applicant should have trained at least 1,500 candidates in a year (physical classroom training) in any of the last three (3) financial years (Document to be submitted: Details of trained candidates as per the format given in Annexures to the RFP)
V. Applicant should not have been blacklisted from participation in tenders/ bids by any State Govt. dept. /Central Govt. dept./PSU
VI. The applicant should have at least 10 trainers certified by the respective Sector Skill Councils or any other Government recognized body (Document to be submitted: Copy of valid certification along with CV of the proposed trainer as per format given in Annexures to the RFP)
Financial Capacity:
The Applicant shall have received a minimum revenue of Rs. 1 Crore per annum from professional fees during any of the last 3 (three) financial years (i.e FY 2020-21, 2021-22, and 2022-23) preceding the Proposal Due Date.
For the avoidance of doubt, professional fees hereunder refer to fees received by the Applicant for providing advisory or consultancy services to its clients. (Document to be submitted: Copy of audited balance sheets, profit and loss statements along with the income certificate duly certified by chartered accountant as per the format given in Annexures).
The Applicant shall enclose with its Proposal, certificate(s) from its Statutory Auditors stating its total revenues from professional fees during each of the 3 (three) financial years preceding the PDD and the fee received in respect of each of the Eligible Assignments specified in the Proposal. If the Applicant does not have a statutory auditor, it shall provide the requisite certificate(s) from the firm of Chartered Accountants that ordinarily audits the annual accounts of the Applicant.
To read and download the detailed RFP click the below button: