RFP for Selection of Agency for Establishing, Operating and Maintenance of Migration Counselling Cum Registration Centers (MCRCs) for BSDM

Principal Secretary, Dept. of Labour Resources, Govt. of Bihar- cum- CEO, Bihar Skill Development Mission (BSDM), invites proposals (Two Bid System) from reputed and experienced Agencies for Establishing,
Operating and Maintenance of 20 Migration Counselling Cum Registration Center/s (MCRCs) of which 10 MCRCs will be opened within Bihar and 10 MCRCs will be opened outside Bihar at various specified locations (industrial hubs) for Bihar Skill Development Mission (BSDM).

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Document Fee and Tender Processing Fee: All Applicants have to pay a non-refundable Document Fee of Rs. 5,000/- (Five Thousand only) and Tender Processing Fee of Rs. 590.00 or as applicable (Five hundred ninety only) through e-payment mode (i.e. NEFT/RTGS/Credit Card/Debit Card) on E-Proc Portal.

Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): An EMD of Rs. 2,00,000/- (Two Lac) through e-payment mode only (i.e. NEFT/RTGS/Credit or Debit Card) on E-Proc Portal, well before the last date/time for submission/ uploading of offer/Bid, failing which the bid will be rejected. This EMD will be non-interest bearing and refundable. If the selected bidder fails to submit the requisite performance guarantee or to execute the agreement, this EMD will be forfeited.

For Tender Preparation support or for any query please call SKILLSPEDIA.IN 702-47-48-999

The Proposal has to be submitted through online mode on and can be searched by clicking the Tab “Tender” on home page of above website and then going to Latest Tender by searching Department Name as “Labour Resources Department”.

The Proposal has to be submitted in online mode containing following cover stage-
A) Technical Bid Open Stage and B) Cost Bid Open Stage
The application procedure, eligibility criteria, evaluation methodology, terms and conditions and the scope of work are detailed in this RFP which can be seen or downloaded from the “e-Procurement Portal and departmental website: The RFP will be available to download from the above websites from 06.10.2023. The Pre-bid meeting will be held on 15:00 Hrs. of 19.10.2023 (through physical & virtual mode). The last date for uploading of proposal/bid will be 07.11.2023 up to 15.00 Hrs. Technical Bid will be opened on or after 07.11.2023 post 17:00 Hrs. The Evaluation of Bids will be under QCBS system. Please refer RFP document for complete details.

To get the latest updates on skill development tenders, EOI, RFP, Notifications, and News CLICK HERE to follow SKILLSPEDIA on FACEBOOK

Name of Cities where MCRC is to be Set-up

To read detailed RFP, click the below button: