As approved by the Work Advisory Board (WAB) of the Department of OBCs & SCs, Government of Manipur in its meeting held on 26-09-2020, Tenders in 2 (two) bids system (Technical and Financial) are invited through e-tender from NSDC Training Partners for conducting Skill Development Programmes in accordance with National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) under Centrally sponsored Scheme of Special Central Assistance to Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (SCA
to SCSP) as below:

Tender is to be submitted on-line through e-procurement /tender portal https://manipurtenders.gov.in
The critical dates of bids are as follows:

Both the technical bid and price bid will be opened in the Directorate for Welfare of OBCs & SCs, Manipur, 1st Floor, South Block, Secured Office Complex, A.T. Lines, Imphal.
An indicative list of NSQF course and job roles is at Format-8 to enable the bidder to
assess the various probable courses to be conducted and enable the bidding process. The
course and job roles will be finalized after consultation with the L1 bidder and this Directorate.
Training Centre should be accredited and affiliated under Skill India Portal before commencement of training course.
The trainees will be issued “Skill Certification” under Government of India through Sector Skill Council.
Target Group:
Special Central Assistance to Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (SCA to SCSP):
The target group for imparting courses in skills/trade would be Scheduled Castes persons living below the poverty lines in the state of Manipur. In order to give necessary impetus for economic development of women, participation of at least 30% women candidates may be ensured.
Venue of the Training:
The venue of the training programme will be within Imphal/ District Head quarter/Sub-Division or in SC majority villages in the State of Manipur.
Eligibility Criteria:
i) The firm/agency shall be a firm/company/partnership firm registered under the Indian Companies Act, 1956/ the Partnership Act, 1932 or Society Registration Act and who have their registered office in India.
ii) The firm/company/agency should be in the business of providing NSDC training programme services for at least 3 years as of 31.03.2020.
iii) The Organization/ firm /agency should have GST and PAN registration certificate
iv) Bidder should have minimum average turnover of Rs. 80 lakhs from Skill Development Training as per the last three years audit report i.e., 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20.
v) Bidder should be NSDC Training Partner (both funded and non-funded) and have conducted Skill Development Programmes under NSQF in North Eastern Region/ Manipur.
vi) The organization/ firm/ agency shall have experience in executing similar Skill Development assignments under NSQF framework for the Central Government /State Governments/ PSUs/ Government bodies, agencies and organization including self-funded training programmes approved by NSDC with a minimum average work value of not less than Rupees 80 lakh during the last 3 Financial Years as on March 31, 2020.
vii) Bidder should have sufficient infrastructure for training facilities in Imphal.
viii) Bidder should have adequate manpower and faculties to impart the training Format programme.
ix) The organization/ firm/ agency shall have placed at least 70% of the trained persons during the last three Financial Years (average) as on March 31, 2020.
x) The firm should not have been blacklisted by any Central Government/State Government /PSU/ Government Bodies.
xi) The Organization/ firm /agency has to be profitable and should not have incurred loss in three consecutive Financial Years (2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20)
xii) The medium of instruction will be English/Manipuri/Hindi.
Earnest Money Deposit:
Provision of Bid Security (EMD) has not been kept in the bid document in pursuance of Secretariat: Finance Department, Government of Manipur (Finance Commission Cell) O.M. no. 7/2/2020-e-FD dated 13/11/2020. The bidder shall submit a Bid Security Declaration in the prescribed format as per Format-9.
Security Deposit:
The successful bidder shall deposit Performance security deposit for an amount of 3% of the contract value in the form of DD/ Bank Guarantee payable to OBC & SC, DDO, Manipur from a nationalized bank which shall be retained and valid for a period for one year/ completion period of the agreement.
To download detailed RFP/Tender click the below link: