Nashik Municipal Corporation, Social Welfare Department invites EOI for Selection of Skill Training Service Provider to Conduct Skill Development Programs in Nashik City.
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The objective of this request for EOI of Nashik Municipal Corporation (NMC) is to appoint two Skill Training Service Providers interested in conducting skill development trainings for womens (and mens if required) in Nashik City. NMC intends to impart training to around 4000 women and men(if required).NMC reserves the rights to increase or decrease the number of trainees.
The appointment of the TP shall be for a period of 2 (Two) years from the date of work order. After review of work done, NMC may extend/increase the period further for 2 years if competent authority of NMC decides, but it will be sole discretion of the Nashik municipal corporation.
The Bidder shall deposit a EOI Bid Security of Rs 700000/- (Rs. Seven Lakhs only) i.e. Earnest Money Deposit through the e-tendering system for the Bid submitted (“Bid Security”). Which will be returned once tender process is done.
For Tender Preparation support or for any query please call SKILLSPEDIA.IN @ 702-47-48-999
Evaluation of Qualification of qualified bidders:

To read detailed EOI and Answer to Pre-Bid Queries click the below button: