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ORMAS intends to take up proposal from the Project Implementing Agencies (PIA) registered having valid PRN Number under DDUGKY scheme of Ministry of Rural Development for implementation of Sagarmala Phase-II under DDUGKY convergence programme in the state of Odisha. Interested Project Implementing Agencies shall submit their proposal as per the prescribed format available at https://www.erp.ddugky.info/login latest by 01/12/2022 till 5 pm. The detailed Terms of Reference can be seen and downloaded in the ORMAS website https://www.ormas.org for reference.
In case of any Addendum/ Clarification/ Corrigendum/ Extension regarding this Eol, the same will be published in the above website. Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any Eol and to cancel the process at any time prior to the award of contract without assigning any reason thereof.
Proposal Application Fee:
Agencies have to pay a Non- refundable application fee of Rs. 25,000/- ( Rupees Twenty Five Thousand only) in favour of“ ORMAS” through NEFT/RTGS account details provided below. Proposals that are not accompanied with the proposal application fee shall be rejected.
a. | Name of the A/c Holder | : ORMAS |
b. | Name of the Bank | : IDBI Bank |
c. | Bank A/c No. | : 042104000155496 |
d. | IFSC | : IBKL0000042 |
e. | Branch Address | : IDBI House, Janpath, Unit IX, Bhubaneswar |

For download detailed EOI click the below link: