Expression of Interest has been invited by the Department of Panchayati Raj, Government of Jharkhand, for Empanelment of Non-Governmental Organizations as agencies to support in implementing the training programme of the elected representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions and functionaries of the Panchayati Raj Department.
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Last date of submission of Hard Copy of Proposal: 19-07-2022 up to 3.00 PM
To nurture the Panchayati Raj Institutions as a grassroot democratic institution and to enable those institutions to function effectively for achieving SDGs and other development objectives requires comprehensive Capacity building efforts. Imparting effective and quality capacity building of elected representatives (ERs) and Panchayat Functionaries (PFs) require engagement and support of multi stakeholders of diverse areas and expertise.
Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan (RGSA) is one the Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS), along with other state sponsored schemes, to address the capacity building and training needs of the elected representatives thereby Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRJs) could function effectively.
Department of Panchayati Raj, Government of Jharkhand intends to empanel reputed non-governmental organization having prior experience in Capacity Building and Training of Elected Representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions i.e. Ward members/Muhkiya/Panchayat Samiti members/Parmukh/Up-parmukh/Zila Parishad members/Zita Parishad Adhyksh/Upadhyksh, Field Level Workers (FLWs) i.e. Aaganwadi Workers/Sahiyyas/Jal Sahiyyas/Cluster Resource Person, and Community Based organizations i.e. Women Self Help Group/Adolescent Group etc.
Scope of Work of the empanelled NGOs:
- The empanelled agency will support in providing training to the elected representatives and functionaries of Panchayat on core issues as well as thematic issues as planned by the department.
- The empanelled agency will provide handholding support to Panchayats in regularizing mandated Gram Sabha, special Gram Sabha, Gender Training to EWR and will be responsible for identifying issues which need advocacy and can be taken up at Gram Sabha meeting.
- The empanelled agencies may be assigned other works to strengthen the internal governance of the Panchayati Raj Institutions and create replicable model in the state.
- The empanelled agency may be assigned to conduct Training Need Assessment (TNA), Develop Training Module and Reference Materials for the elected representatives of Panchayat Raj Institutions and functionaries of the Panchayati Raj Department and other concerned relevant departments.
Eligibility Criteria:
The agency must fulfill the following Eligibility Criteria:
i. Should be an organization working in Jharkhand.
ii. Should be a “not for profit” organization
iii. Should have in legal entity, and eligible to enter into agreement/contract with any of the government department/agency.
iv. Should have in legal existence on the date of the publication of the advertisement.
v. Should have core capability and demonstrated evidence in the field of preparation, design, implementation and supervision of Capacity Building & Training, in addition the agency should have experience to conduct following areas:
a. Working experience to facilitate participatory planning.
b. IEC/ Communication strategy.
c. Developing training modules and other reference materials.
vi. Should have successfully completed at least four assignments of similar nature; two with the support of the Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Government of lndia or any government department in any of the states in India and another two with support of any bilateral/multilateral/international/ national/private funding agency in the last five years preferably in the field of Capacity Building and Training.
vii. Should have requisite number of professionals with relevant experience and qualification.
viii. Should have minimum average annual turnover of INR 25 Lakhs in the last 3 completed financial years.
ix. Should have empanelment in the NGO Portal Darpan.
x. Should have a base office in Jharkhand.
xi. NGOs I Agencies, empanelled with the Department of Panchayati Raj, Government of Jharkhand, who did not accomplish the assigned work during last empanelment period, are not eligible to apply for this empanelment.
xii. Should have neither been blacklisted nor debarred currently by any Government department/ government agency/public sector institution/ agency etc. in last 5 years.
Technical Criteria for Empanelment:
NGOs which qualify in every aspect of the basic criteria will be considered for technical criteria. The technical criteria will consist of the following sections upon which the technical scoring will be evaluated. This section must be included in the technical proposal in form of presentation.
i. Understanding the scope of work of the participating agency/institution
ii. Approach towards imparting training methods/IEC
iii. Experience of preparing training module
iv. Thematic area specializations I focused work
V. No of training conducted in last 5 years
vi. No of Master Trainers (MTs) and Human Resource available
Application Process:
The Application Format, Declaration/ Undertaking and other forms are annexed with this Eol. The application for Expression oflnterest (Eol) in the format provided at Annex-I of this document along with all other relevant documents must be submitted in the hard copy along with the a soft copy of the application in a pen drive to the following address on or before 21 days from the date of publication of this Eol latest by 1500 hrs.
Joint Secretary, Department of Panchayati Raj Government of Jharkhand, 2nd Floor, FFP Building, Dhurwa, Ranchi – 834004, Jharkhand
To download the EOI click the download button: