Department of Social Justice & Empowerment (DoSJE) implements a skill development scheme named PM-SPECIAL for providing more professional geriatric caregivers to bridge the gap in supply and increasing demand in the field of geriatric caregivers. A copy of the revised scheme guideline has been made available on the Department’s website i.e. https://socialjustice.gov.in/schemes/111. All Training Partners are requested to kindly go through different provisions of the scheme before apply.
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This Department is contemplating to empanel for 2024-25 competent and desirous Government and Private Training Institutes having sufficient academic and physical infrastructure, with good track record of performance. Accordingly, the Department invites Expression of Interest (Eal) for empanelment of Training Partners (TPs) for imparting training under PM-SPECIAL for the financial year 2024-25. For this purpose, the following information may kindly be provided in hard copy (only):
a) Certificate of incorporation (the organization should have been registered before 01.07.2019)
b) Copy of the PAN Card I GST No.
c) NITI Aayog’s Darpan Portal Registration details, if the TP is a Non-Government Organisation (NGO)
d) Audited Account Statement for the last 3 financial years (from 2020-21 to 2022-23 or from 2021-22 to 2023-24)
e) Turnover certificate (indicating average turnover also which should be greater than Rs. 01 Crore as a mandatory criteria) of last three years along with net worth of the organization (from 2020-21 to 2022-23 or from 2021-22 to 2023-24)
f) Number of trainees trained in total (year-wise starting from 2021-22 to 2023-24, scheme-wise details) in Annexure-I
- Copy of sanction order I work allocation order as indicated in Annexure-I
g) Number of trainees placed in different organisation (year-wise starting from 2021-22 to 2023-24, scheme-wise details) in Annexure-II
For Tender Preparation support or any query please call SKILLSPEDIA.IN @ 702-47-48-999
h) Up-to-date Letter of Registration (LoR) issued through SMART portal in respect of only 4 eligible job role(s) for which you intend to train [please refer para 7 for more details]
i) Undertaking in your letterhead that if any information or claim furnished by you in respect of your training institute/centers is found to be incorrect, your empanelment may be cancelled by the Department and further penal action as per provisions of the scheme may be taken (Reference: Annexure-III)
j) An affidavit duly notarized on Rs. 100 Stamp paper stating that your organization (including different training centres) has not been blacklisted by any of the Government (Central and State both) and that all centres (proposed in Annexure-lV) are its own and the staff is in the pay roll of the organisation.
k) Proposal for Skill Training under PM-SPECIAL in eligible job roles for FY 2024-25 in attached format (Annexure-lV)
I) Certification of your Training Institute as recognized by International Accreditation Forum (IAF), if any.
3. Kind attention is invited to para 7.2 of the guideline which, inter alia, state that priority would be given to courses which mandates compulsorily On the Job Training (OJT) in skill courses.
4. In case of a Government Training Institute, a self-certified statement indicating that the training institute is a Government training institution and the documentary proof thereof indicating explicitly that your institution is a Government training institute along with all other relevant documents as mentioned in this Eol notification.
5. If the information provided by the organization meets the requirement of PM-SPECIAL Scheme and upon recommendation and approval of the competent authority, Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) may be signed between DoSJE and your Training Institute for imparting training under PM-SPECIAL for the FY 2024-25.
6. All TPs must ensure that proposals to be submitted only for those training courses for which up-to-date (not later than 3 months old from the date of issuance of this Eol) LoR has been submitted. Proposals submitted without or partially valid or partially (or all) expired LoR(s) will not be considered at all. Complete/full accreditation & affiliation certificate valid upto 31.03.2025 may be furnished, if available, instead of LoR.
7. The complete proposal with all documentary proofs as requested above should be received in CR Section, Garage No. 8, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi in the name of Dy. Secretary (Sr. Citizen) by 5:30 PM on 09.09.2024. All proposals must carry stamp of R&I Office. Proposals will NOT be accepted if it doesn’t carry stamp of registry office or send through email. Any clarification in this regard may be obtained through email at [email protected].
Trainees will be trained only in five courses given below:

To download the EOI, Application Form and Guidelines click the below link: