Andrew Yule & Company Ltd. (AYCL) invites sealed Expression of Interest (EOI) for selection/empanelment of Eligible Agencies for empanelment with AYCL to implement Skill development projects, vocational education, IEC activities, survey, Impact assessment, Technical support work, awareness creation work etc. along with/ on behalf of AYCL for Central Govt./State Govt./any other projects.
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The main objectives of the EOI are as given below:
a) To develop skilled workforce in the sector of Electronics & Hardware, Telecom, Tourism & Hospitality, Food Processing, Agriculture, Tea Cultivation, Tea Processing, Media & Entertainment, Handicraft, Apparel, vocational education, IEC activities, survey, Impact assessment, Technical support work, awareness creation work , any other areas.
b) To deliver practical trainings (through Lab-setup).
c) To deliver long term career oriented skill training for lifelong learning.
d) To deliver entrepreneurship skill development training to make the beneficiaries self-sustain.
The application must be accompanied with processing fees (non-refundable) of Rs. 5900 (Five Thousand Nine Hundred only including 18% GST) by means of DD/ NEFT/ RTGS to AYCL.
Interested parties can submit their application along with copies of all required documents/profile etc. by Post/ Courier or by Hand at AYCL, Head Office on or before 25.04.2023 which shall be opened in the presence of parties or their authorized representatives on the next day i.e. on 26.04.2023.
a) The selected Implementing Agency (IA) will work with AYCL to undertake various skill developments & capacity building for youth, women and other eligible candidates.
b) The IA along with AYCL will scout for various projects for youth & women in the domains of Skill & Entrepreneurship Development in the sectors viz. Electronics & Hardware, Telecom, Tourism & Hospitality, Food Processing, Media & Entertainment, Handicraft, Apparel, vocational education, IEC activities, survey, Impact assessment, Technical support work, awareness creation work etc.
c) The IA along with AYCL will scout for various Tenders, EOI and RFQ published by Government Agencies, Corporate Organizations.
e) The IA will prepare the proposals for above mentioned projects and future tenders. RFQs, EOIs etc. with support from AYCL with details of Role and Responsibilities of Consortium Partners and budgets.
f) The first preference for awarding work contract for implementation would be given to the party which has initiated, prepared and submitted the proposal/ project to AYCL for onward submission to the Department/ Organization. Such party will have the first right of rejection.
g) The IA will also collaborate with AYCL on sourcing and delivering consulting/technical assistance/services that cater to corporations, Government institutions and other stakeholders in the broader ecosystem for skill development sector. The IA will prepare Agreement with Roles and Responsibilities of both parties along with budgets.
Eligibility Criteria:
a) The Applicant should be a Not for Profit Organization registered as Legal Entity under appropriate Act of the Government of India for Not for Profit Companies, Society, Trust, Foundation etc. with preferably having 05 years of work experience.
b) This EOI is limited to single entity, the bidders have to be registered under the same name and submit only one EOI document.
c) The Applicant should have valid 12AA and 80G Certificates.
d) The Applicant should have positive net worth during last three financial years and should not be insolvent in the past. A certificate issued by the Chartered Accountant should be provided.
e) The Applicant should have completed at least one Govt. Project successfully. A job completion certificate to be attached.
f) Annual Audited balance sheets for the last three years shall be enclosed as supporting document.
g) Applicant should not have been debarred/ blacklisted by any Govt. Department/ PSU/ Cooperative Society for corrupt and fraudulent practices and shall have to submit a declaration to this effect.
To download the EOI click the below link: