Directorate of Urban Development, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh, intends to select Training Institute/ Agency/ NGO as Training Provider to Street Vendors under Support to Urban Street Vendors (SUSV) component of Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM) in financial year 2022-23.
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The Institute/Agency shall impart 2 days training to the Urban Street Vendors in various Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) on various modules as per DAY-NULM guidelines.
For this purpose, Directorate of Urban Development (DUD), invites eligible entities to indicate their interest in providing such training as per criteria outlined in the EOI in the State.
Interested Training Agencies may submit/ upload complete proposal online only at http://hptenders.hp.gov.in with details in the format enclosed, along with documentary evidences of similar nature of work accomplished & number of trained vendors in other Indian States, etc. on or before 19.04.2022 up to 05:00 P.M mentioning “Proposal for Selection of Training Provider to Street Vendors under SUSV component of DAY-NULM” along-with
(i) Online processing fee of ₹ 10000.00 as non-refundable through RTGS/ NEFT; and
(ii) Rs. 1,00,000/- as Earnest Money Deposit (EMD-refundable) through RTGS/ NEFT shall be deposited by the bidder in account as mentioned below:

(iii) Receipt of online Transaction number to be uploaded along with other documents online.
(iv) No bank draft/ cheque/ cash shall be accepted and will be rejected outrightly.
The agency has to submit the undertaking on ₹ 100 non judicial stamp paper that the firm is not blacklisted by any State / central government entity/departments. Complete document / details of EOI, eligibility, technical & financial criteria, process etc may be downloaded from the tendering website https://hptenders.gov.in.
Eligibility Criteria for Technical Appraisal:
- The firm/ agency must be registered in India for at least 5 years.
- Experience in conducting training of urban poor/ street vendors (minimum 500 beneficiaries) on Health & Hygiene, Solid Waste management, Food Processing or similar courses, etc.
- Working experience with Government agencies.
- Turnover of Rs. 50 lakhs minimum (Average of last three financial years duly certified by practicing CA).
- Certificate from implementing agencies regarding successful implementation of Training.
Training fees:
As per SUSV guidelines, a maximum of Rs. 1500/- for two days can be spent on a street vendor for training. This fee shall also include the honorarium for street vendors as per minimum wage/ per day being provided in the State. No fee shall be charged from the vendors.
The lunch and snacks facility shall also be included in above fee for two days. The training rates shall be subjected to change based on the guidelines as amended from time to time by Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India.
To download the EOI click the below link: