OSEPA invites Expression of Interest from qualified entities in the field of
SECONDARY SCHOOLS for implementation of the program in 385 Schools + 30 sectors of
2013-14 as well as replaced 117 Schools with Multi-skill course in ODISHA under Samagra
- Introduction:
1.1 Department of School and Mass Educationisnow implementing various projects at secondary &
higher Secondary School level through Odisha School Education Programme Authority (hereinafter referred to as “OSEPA”) under the umbrella of SamagraShiksha, to provide quality education to the students.
1.2 OSEPAinvites Expression of Interest from qualified entities in the field of VOCATIONAL
(hereinafter referred to as “The Project”).
- Broad Scope of Work:
The Government of India had brought out aVocationalization of School Education (VSE) under
“SamagraShiksha” by integrating employability education into School Education. The scheme is
operated within the National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF), earlier called NVEQF, which
establishes a system of clear educational pathways from school to higher education while
providing certification of vocational skills.
The government of India has sanctioned 385 Schools in the FY 2020-21. The project will be implemented at 385Government schools in ODISHA with the goal to make students employable when they complete senior secondary education.
The schools have already been identified and approved in PAB 2020-21. The Project will adopt new curriculum, course content and pedagogy, hire and train qualified teachers, introduce the program in schools, monitor and evaluate its progress, etc.as per the guidelines and norms of MHRDGOI.
The curricula, trainer handbooks, student handbooks are already developed by PSSCIVE (PSS Central Institute for Vocational Education, Bhopal), based on the relevant Qualification Packs /National Occupational Standards of respective Sector Skill Council.
The Vocational Subjects in the following sectors will be introduced in ODISHA for 385 Schools in 2020-21. Each school shall offer subjects from 02 (two) Sectors, out of the sectors listed below. Besides, the automotive sector, have been sanctioned for 30 schools approved in 2013-14, with a single trade.

2.1 Scope of work
The Vocational Training Providers(VTPs) will be responsible for the following in the proposed programme covering 385Schools (355 Secondary &30 Higher Secondary Schools).It also includes the 117 replaced schools imparting training on Multi-skill course,in Odisha approved in 2018-19. The Multi-skill replaced sectors includes Automotive, Electronics & Hardware, Food Processing and Construction sectors.
The Vocational Training Providers is expected to:
a) Provide resource persons including Vocational Trainer, Vocational Coordinators, Guest faculty, etc as per the requirement of the Project.
b) To provide initially one (01) full-time Vocational trainer. Another trainer may be provided, if required by OSEPA in the selected schools as per the Sector / Job Role and conveyed to the VTPs in writing. The qualifications of the Vocational Trainer should be as per norms prescribed by PSSCIVE, Bhopal / State, as provided in Annexure 07.
c) Understand the Curriculum and Course content prepared by PSSCIVE and ensure its delivery through its vocational Trainer, within stipulated time and meet the quality parameters.
d) Ensure conduct of internal formative assessments of students on a periodic basis as per the norms of the Board of Secondary Education and Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha.
e) To ensure the conduct of theoretical & practical classes as per scheme guidelines.
f) To ensure conduct internal assessment of the students with the help of school Principal/Nodal In-charge of Vocational Education of the schools.
g) To ensure mobilization of students, parents, teachers, and community awareness, guidance in Consultation with school Principals.
h) To organize two guest lecturers per month for each trade for each class in each selected School.
i) To provide guidance and counseling services to the students and their parents/guardians as and when required. To arrange industry visits to the student for their improvement in practical Exposure. VTP shall arrange for a minimum of 03 industrial visits for students of each trade for each class (IX, X, XI & XII) as per industry visit guidelines.
j) Prepare students for the placement process including soft skills, to facilitate placement of the desirous and eligible students in related jobs after completion of 12th and attaining final certification at the exit level.
k) To arrange on- Job training (OJT) after completing class X, in their respective sector. As per the revised scheme, this is for 80 hours in a job role.
l) To provide one Vocational Coordinator (VC) for 30-35 schools.
m) Each Vocational Coordinator (VC) will visit a minimum of 15 schools in a month and visit all schools at least twice in a quarter. VC should submit their visit plan to Project Management Unit at SamagraShiksha, Bhubaneswar, and concerning schools in advance.
n) Vocational Training providers should submit a detailed report of the capacity building of Vocational Trainers conducted by the organization as well as avail certified master trainers for the Induction and In-service training organized by OSEPA, as per norms.
o) To ensure that Child Protection & Rights policy is in place in the organization as per state government norms and also to orient Vocational Coordinator and Vocational Trainer on the same at the time of hiring thereby enabling a conducive environment for the students. The Vocational Training partner must enclose the child protection and rights policy along with their EOI. The vocational training partner must also form a sexual harassment committee if not in place previously and list down the names of committee members with affiliation as part of the EOI. Finally, a grievance redressal mechanism should be in place for child protection issues.

Last date for submission:
Applications should be submitted before 03.00 PM IST on or before 16.09.2020,
i.e., the Application Due Date.
Address for submission of Application:
All applications should be submitted in a sealed envelope on the following address:
The State Project Director
At: Shiksha Soudha, Unit-V, Bhubaneswar – 751001
For Detailed EOI and other terms and conditions click below links: