Request for Proposal is invited for NULM ESTP component of Greater Chennai Corporation Area, from Skill Training and Placement Providers for empanelment in Greater Chennai Corporation area for Training of youth and their placement with tracking.
The sealed RFP document duly signed by the proposer with all required annexure , and an application fee of Rs. 10,000/- payable by means of Demand Draft drawn in favour “ NULM, Chennai” from any Nationalized Bank payable at Chennai, should be submitted at the above mentioned office on or before 16.9.2020 on 4.00 pm.
RFP will be processed from 17.9.2020 at 11.00 am by the Committee for ESTP of NULM in Greater Chennai in the manner prescribed in the RFP documents.

To download Detailed Request for Proposal click below link: